Had you ever seen this kind of notice board in Malaysia?Or we gonna see it in the future?Both are question that might played in your mind if you read today's newspaper.
A statement by a statement by a member of state council (DUN) said that 'bumiputeraisme' is similar to apartheid principle back during colonial time.If what he said so is correct than we might see this kind of notice board sooner later.
Today we will browse through a bit of apartheid history.Apartheid was a system that separate between races in SA between 1948-94.The apartheid laws required black's tribe to used pass to move from one district to another.
A few more rules under apartheid :
-1913 Land Act and the various workplace colour bars.
-Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act of 1949 prohibited marriage between persons of different races
- Population Registration Act of 1950 formalised racial classification and introduced an identity card for all persons over the age of eighteen, specifying their racial group
- Group Areas Act of 1950 partitioned the country into areas allocated to different racial groups
-Reservation of Separate Amenities Act of 1953 prohibited people of different races from using the same public amenities, such as restaurants, public swimming pools, and restrooms. Further laws had the aim of suppressing resistance, especially armed resistance, to apartheid.
-1953, the Bantu Education Act crafted a separate system of education for African students
Since British colonial leave our country, 'bumiputeraisme' had been applied.Our former leader agreed the principal where Malaysian native get advantages while other races benevolence is not forgotten.Lately since the turnover of Perak government we had heard a lot of racism-likes statement.We were Malaysian whom lives together for so long but why now we want to destroy it.Don't be silly and start to debate on unimportance issue.In my opinion they suppose to care about the development in Malaysia.Instead of accusing other things they should care about the civilans.'Bumiputeraisme' wasn't apartheid and it just an effort to help the native.Despite the 'bumiputeraisme' other races right also being protected.As a Malaysian we suppose to live in harmony and help the country to move forward.

6 comments to “aper nak jadi?”
March 2, 2009 at 11:44 PMnih mase awl2 SA merdeka
klo xslh ak
try tgk kt wiki
Encik Jurassic
March 3, 2009 at 9:19 AMsuch signboard in malaysia?
no way!
no need to be so racist lah.
black,white,brown,all same inside meh.
all shud malaysia-hearted.
March 3, 2009 at 12:45 PMhahahaha
peace-ke?karut2 m'sia nih
kejr cite2 politik smpai xketahuan
Encik Jurassic
March 3, 2009 at 12:50 PMwell,dats the reality man.
gotta face it.
bile laa generasi kite nk memerintah negare?
hope things will get better soon,kn.
March 5, 2009 at 11:44 AMbtol2
semuge m'sia terus aman
bukn rumah roy di kg.aman je yg aman
March 2, 2009 at 4:26 PM
i never noe that there is such board kat luar negara..