Lately I felt very lazy.Life seems to be a bit complicated.Now it is all about test,assignment and team project.Yesterday test was sucks.It was harder than expected.Who's the hell "genius" send the first question.Today is the beginning of another long holiday.I'm hoping for a bit rest this weekend after a very busy and miserable life for the last couple of weeks.In addition to the test my presentation also not so good.Hope I will do well in PCS at the end of the semester.This week alone I had watch 3 movie including Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.Other movies were Cicakman 2 and Los and Faun.Except Underworld the other two movies are comedy movie
Rise of The Lycans is a story of how war between werewolves and vampire begin.Lycans is the werewolves community that once transform they'll lost the control of their body.Somehow due to certain circumstances there's a Lycans names Lucian (if i'm not mistaken) capable to control the evolution of his body.He can be a wolves and turn back into human easily.He's in love with the Sonja, vampire princess and their secret relationship goes unnotice for a long period of time.At a point where Lucian is under custody because 'betrayed' the king,he begin to ignite the ressurection of Lycans.A few of them successfully escapes including Lucian and he had gone to meet the wolves pack in the jungle.His last howl after his failed mission to rescue Sonja had begin the attack of the wolves.A story of loves and pride.Lucian possesed a great character to be followed.He's brave,loyal and willing to sacrifice for the loved ones.Not only a dark adventure movie but also came along with a bit of patriotisme.Try to watch it.

4 comments to “Rise of The Lycans”
March 7, 2009 at 1:34 PMhahahahha
take ur time
muvie die simple
nme nk bhibur
klo bhibur kne perah otak
baek study jer
Encik Jurassic
March 8, 2009 at 3:43 AMhehe.
okes bro.
i will.
March 10, 2009 at 3:51 PMpelan-pelan kayuh
tuh tema kite
bia tertinggal skit jgn smpai
xtekejor yop
tuh ssh skit la
March 7, 2009 at 12:26 PM
another muvie yg aku belom tonton.
even yg satu n due punye pun aku tak tengok.
satu lagi muvi yg org kate best.
kena tengok jugak ni~