Today is my first day at home after few weeks away.What a great feeling to move away from UTP for a while.For the last few weeks which were very busy,holiday were such a great relief.Besides having a free great delicacies at home,it also bring some sort of peace.Yesterday journey was so tiring.Maybe because the sun shine all day long made it more painful.
Anyway both pic on the right is my dinner last nite.My parents brought me n my sisters to Jusco.We had our dinner at Kenny Rogers.I had a cup of Cappuccino and half chicken.In addition to that I also had few scoops of goolden corn and carrot and mash potato.It had been so long since my last bite of Kenny's roasted chicken.Finally my tummy fulfilled with a great dish.
This morning I had Kuey Tiow goreng.(or whatever it is called).Then I head to my grandma house to pickup few chicken to be breed by my mom's friend.I met with my cousins and aunt.Everything is almost the same since I left to UTP.Tomorrow I'll be at home alone.I need to plan something to fulfill my leisure time and hope I'll have a chance to snap a few picture around my hometown.I'll update this blog regularly so don't miss me.See you again later.

8 comments to “Home Sweet Home”
March 22, 2009 at 1:18 PMnasib kau la
pdulik apo along
kuey tiaw mne2 leh dpt
tp kenny roger xleh poie sndri
March 22, 2009 at 2:10 PMhahah.
ketidakadilan telah berlaku.
saya mau jua...
March 22, 2009 at 7:37 PMhohohoho
dilaen mase kte pegi ye
Suraya I.
March 22, 2009 at 9:30 PMi'm not into Kenny Rogers but cappucino sgt and alwez best!~ =D
neway, like ur new blog.
comel sbb de doraemon~
March 22, 2009 at 10:26 PMaisey
untung ak ko xsuke kenny's
so konpem ko xmntk kenny rogers utk blanje ko
saje tuka style bg nmpak kanak2 skit
bg new soul skit
Suraya I.
March 23, 2009 at 4:29 PMheheh..xpe,byk lg mknn mahal2 yg laen~
March 23, 2009 at 5:05 PMhahahaha
masey berusehe mahu yg mhal
tp xperla
ko nnt blnje ak nsik mnyk kn2?
March 22, 2009 at 11:54 AM
omg..apsal angah balik we r just having lunch at jj's food court and not kenny rogers???ini x adil..
but for the kuey teow i dont mind cause i had the same breakfast like u..haha