
Last week SPM result was released and we had seen another fantastic achievement by a student.She got 19 1A and 1 2A.For almost half a decade it had been a trend were student took more than regular amount of subject and try to get the best result.However for me there's a bit of doubt for what sake you're learning that amount of subject?Were it for future or just to claim publicity?Since that Malaysia governing body did not enforce any rules that barred any overlapping subject from being taken together, soon people might take more ridiculous subject just to be famous.

Since I leave school days I see that academic wasn't everything.From my experience there's something called as caliber.Caliber was something can't be written or tested in exam but it is something observe,judge by other peoples or professional on someone.Someone caliber can be judge base on his thinking,the way he talk,the way he's presenting himself/herself and so many other ways including their own dressing style.Would you accept a person walking in short and claims he/she is a president of certain organization or company (except ah long and underground)?I'm sure that beside ignore he/she you might even laugh as loud as you can.Without this criteria you might find yourself will be ignored or neglected by people even though you have miles of qualification.

Just now I read a letter sent by a reader of NST.She, a mother insist that any of major sponsor in M'sia should gave latest 'most successful' a help for her to further the study.Responsible party also should send a so-called 'mentor' to help her to make a decision.I'm not totally agree with the writer.Sponsorship is not just giving money for the sake of the students future.It is an investment by a certain parties on another parties with a planning to harvest the 'crop' once it mature.This concept always being overlook by a lot of people.Parents regularly think that sponsored is given just to help students to chase after their dream.It was not that easy nowadays.Students will undergo certain screening process to ensure they are good enough to be sponsored.Responsible people will observe your 'resume' and decide whether you had the potential and will be a 'profitable' investment for them in the future.

I'm also a sponsored students and I never had any privileged to get all that kind of advisor things.As a student, we should decide our future rite after the PMR where future courses will determine our field.There's a lot of personality test can help you to decide in addition to advise from counselor.It might not 100% correct but base on the result we can determine which path we should took.It is sponsor responsibility to help you to decide your future.Taking unusual road might lead you to greater achievement or else you might collapse and lost.At the early stage of application your certificate and result will be screened before you called for an interview.During the interview session you should show your caliber.Present yourself to the 'buyer' (not a prostitute ) as good as you can so that the'll believe in you.You'll be rewarded with sponsorship if they think you had present yourself well and they think investing on you is very profitable.

Deciding students future is not sponsor work.It should had been done by their school.Caunselor and teachers should had earlier guide them so that they won't choose a wrong path.A study also showed that employer todays looks at academic achievement as the no 12th criteria to be justify from any candidates.Academis will never totally represent the true potential of a student.PETRONAS itself screened their sponsored for future employment through certain test and followed an interview.It was much more harder today because number is not everything.Number did not represent quality.Quality is subjective think and number only repesent quantity.

date Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4 comments to “Caliber”

  1. Suraya I.
    March 19, 2009 at 11:12 AM

    dr dlu lg ak pk that dorang yg amek sbjek 'byk2' nh juz nk populariti. sdgkan sbjek yg dorg add tu kdg2 sbjek yg nmpk cm x pntg je..
    but then it's their decision, so bia la~

  1. Unknown
    March 19, 2009 at 3:17 PM

    silap sbp xbg jerk
    klo x ntah2 ak pn da jd cm diorg
    maybe 25 subjek
    wtla paper subjek mngarut lgik

  1. abeelo
    March 20, 2009 at 6:12 AM

    haha~ 25? matdin mesti xbg! huhu

  1. Unknown
    March 20, 2009 at 9:19 AM

    tuh arr
    die bkn tau ak power
    klo die tau musti die bg