
A three days weekend seems to be just enough to reduce the stress and pressure in my head.Each night it is rainy and we fail to play futsal together.It was more than a week I haven't play rugby with teammates.A lot of frustrating when it comes to missing rugby.Anyway I can't blame them because life as a student in UTP getting busy and busier.In addition to that the weather also another stumbling block for us.At the end yesterday we manage to go for a picnic at Papan.

There were 12 of us and we went there with 3 cars.It takes less than half an hour to reach there.The location is near to Herbs Garden.The scenery was very pleasing and the air was very fresh.All of us were a bit unlucky because our target spot had already being taken by earlier group of visitors but we still manage to get a quiet a good place.We arrive there around 20 minutes after 10 am.Once we finshed uploading all of the things,some of us begin to fry nugget and some more set up the bbq fire.

At the same time while the guys busy preparing the bbq place the girls were having their breakfast.They had already prepared fried mee hoon to fill in our stomach while waiting for the chickens,meats and fishes cooked.Once we begin to cook, the girls go and have fun playing at the river.Then we change the duty giving the chance for those girls to cook.We have a relaxing rest in the cold and chilly free flowing water (even though there's no waterfall).It was very relaxing.

We had our lunch at 1pm.We were having chicken,meat,fish and sausage with rice for our lunch.Tribute to Agan for the tasty 'air asam'.We had the lunch up to our fullest before we change our clothes and begin to pack our things.While waiting for Uwais and Saiful to finish their last bathing session we spend some time to take pictures around the place.Half an hour past 2 we begin our journey back to UTP.Even though there's no waterfall but it is such a very good trip with friends.A trip suffiecient enough to release the tension and to begin a new week.

date Tuesday, March 10, 2009

6 comments to “Long weekend”

  1. Amizah Azid
    March 10, 2009 at 7:38 PM

    yup, betol! sonok kan.. even aku tgk jek korang melahap dgn girangnya... aku tumpang girang tgk korang girang ;)
    best la kamera ko.. eh, mane gamba?? nak3!!

  1. Unknown
    March 10, 2009 at 8:18 PM

    terbaek gmbar ak letkkn
    melhap mknn yg rse mnis2 sumenye
    esk bg ak pendrive

  1. Urutoraman K
    March 11, 2009 at 7:30 PM

    yeay. seronoknye!

    btw, aku add ko dlm following list aku.


    aku dah berpindah ke blogspot juga.

  1. Unknown
    March 11, 2009 at 8:49 PM

    terbaek disitu
    akn ak jadi follower juga
    terbaek dari ladang

  1. MapleyCr3wz
    March 13, 2009 at 4:31 AM

    oit, try la masok blog kitorang

  1. Unknown
    March 15, 2009 at 4:28 PM

    hrnih br ak dpt msk blog sndrik dol