"Jadilah manusia yang memanusiakan manusia. Lidah tajam seperti pisau tidak bermakna hebat didunia. Akal yang panjang tidak bermakna teratas selamanya. Hati yang tenang tidak mustahil bergolak setiap masa. Jagalah lisan mu supaya tidak ada yang terasa. Jagalah tingkahmu supaya ramai yang selesa. Jika kamu merasa terendah, janganlah kecewa.Kerana yang terendah itu punca yang teratas. Dan yang teratas tidak bermakna selamanya yang tertinggi. Kerana pasti yang tertinggi penah merasa tersungkur ditempat sendiri.Tidaklah merasa kepedihan hidup jika gagal itu kita tidak mengerti".
For this post lets review back our life.Perhaps we can review begin from our childhood till now.I believe that we as a human never escape from doing mistake.We might not realize it but it do happen.We often forget that we regularly pointing our fingers towards others,make them as our scape goat.We don't realize it sometimes we make fun of others and it hurt them.Friends we do hurt our parents.It might be unintentionally done but it's still wrong.We were nothing in this world without our parents.Never said that we were innocent when spoke about any wrong doing towards them.We also regularly forgot about our beginning.Once we succeed we seldom remember but our past.Be thankful to those who help us to move this far.
As a human, we can't flashback everything we had done in the past.However we should grab opportunity to say sorry or ask for forgiveness when it is available.Hari Raya is the best moment to ask for forgiveness and forgive others.Ask for it from our parents(even we meet them seldomly),family,friends and foes.Besides we need to do it more often on reviewing our past.Don't be to egoist.Be proud of your achievement but in the mean time grateful to ALLAH and thankful to help and pray for us.

4 comments to “Muhasabah”
March 22, 2009 at 11:22 AMhahahaha
appreciation utk kte2 bernas
tp xsure elaborate btl ke x
March 22, 2009 at 2:08 PMnvm.
jnji ade pengisian.
March 22, 2009 at 7:37 PMhuhuhuhuh
tuh la
idup kne berisi
March 22, 2009 at 11:00 AM