Coming back from hols is not something that will delight most of us.All of sudden dark cloud come and cover up the bright sun.Storm is coming right away.It is almost a week we had been a slave to academic.Begin with 2 assignment due on Monday we move to CPDC test on Tuesday.Tomorrow I have a business meeting evaluation and a task submission.I'm lucky enough because no task due on Thursday.Friday we have a test and a memo to be finished.For those from my PCS group we also have an outline to be submitted.This week is just too 'great' for us.Thanks a lot for last minute post of the assignment, a memo to be finished without sufficient knowledge and the 'best' was the test.
Anyway 'tomorrow never dies' and we still have tomorrow to make redemption.Maybe we should suggest a week of for ChemE students next week.Should we?Most of us will agree with this suggestion.By the way EE project is still not running while ETP presentation is waiting up front.Good luck all my friends.By the way be patient while waiting for the scholar.Hope we will get sooner or late because at the end of the day better late than never.Regularly time is running out not money (unless you're a shopaholic) but at this moment I feel there's still sufficient time to enjoy my life but the money is running away.By the way don't regret this 'moment of our life' because 'hidup ini memang PALAT tapi ESOK masih ada'.Live our life to the fullest.This will be a reminder for us so that this miserable life won't happen again.See you again.

6 comments to “hidup ni memang PALAT tapi ESOK masih ada”
April 1, 2009 at 12:59 AMyezza
jom buat petisyen
cuti utk budak2 chemi
padehal nex week da xder lab
Encik Jurassic
April 1, 2009 at 6:31 AMhmm3,kami sangat~
eh,kami the movie kn?
tagline kami the movie kn?
April 1, 2009 at 8:51 AMmmg kami pn
aper nk wt
semlm mmg mngecewakan
tpi hrnih ader lgi
xder esok pn ad lgik
April 2, 2009 at 7:04 AMsabaw yek psl scholar tu.
btter late thn never.
kalo dapat awl xde feeeeell.
April 2, 2009 at 9:51 AMnih pun da xder feel la
keje byk gile
idup pun da xtntu
March 31, 2009 at 11:47 PM
day off; SETUJU!!!
penatnye hidup, cepatlah berakhir sem ini..
papehal pon, *look at the bright side* ;)