Salam guys.
Yesterday while having lunch I watched movie title 'Yes Man'. A movie starring Jim Carrey, a man with lack of self confidence. Overall it is good movie for everyone to watch.This movie has a lot to offer where you can find romance,jokes and adventure.Jim Carrey@Karl, a man who had been left by his wife and had a lack of self-confidence was introduce by his friend to a program where you need to say 'Yes' to everything (but it wasn't a must).He begin to gain self confidence,he was promoted to higher post in his company,begin dating new girl and learn a lot of things.At one point where he was arrest because being accuse as a national treat he begin to lost.A turning point where he believe it is an effect of the must say 'Yes' curse.He try to remove it by meet the founder of the course and he reveal that it was a misunderstanding because we still can say no if we think we shouldn't do it.A good movie for every layer of community.

9 comments to “Yes Man”
February 28, 2009 at 9:44 PMbtol2
bukn typical punyer cite lawak
xder lwak bdoh yg xbermoral
Encik Jurassic
March 1, 2009 at 12:13 AMhuaa.
rugi syial tak tgk awal2.
bayek2,aku tgk,aku akn korek moral values yag berguna.
Encik Jurassic
March 1, 2009 at 12:14 AMhaha,rugi tak tgk awal2.
lepas ni kena tgk,n kena extract segala moral values yang ada.
March 1, 2009 at 12:49 AMtngok2 bro
cmne dgn man vs woman?
Encik Jurassic
March 1, 2009 at 3:09 AMman vs woman?
cerite gak ke hape tuh?
kalau muvie,mmg aku xpenah tgk ah.
dlm dc v3 pun tak penah nampak rasenye.
March 1, 2009 at 9:14 AMxla
ko pnyer posting la
dapt smbutan hangat ke hangit?
Encik Jurassic
March 1, 2009 at 9:21 AMhooo~
posting aku ke.
hmm,mcm aku ckp dlm blogtips # 2 aku.
aku tulis pasal perkare yg semacam post aku yg sblm post man vs woman ni,sambutan tak mengalakkan.
kalau buat pasal general ni,hangat je sambutan.
selalu je berbahas,haha~
March 1, 2009 at 9:59 AMhahahaha
kompom la
sume akn mnegakkan pndirian msing2
February 28, 2009 at 9:06 PM
siyes bro?
aku dngr ramai gak kate best.
hmm3,kena tgk ni~