
Today I'm all alone at home.Boring?That's for sure but I'm lucky enough to have a car with me with more than half tank of oil.After sent my mom's to school I get back and do some chores.First of all I prepare all the ingredient for "terung goreng berlada".After that I continue with cooking and later doing the laundry.Around 9.50 I begin my journey and my target is Sungai Timun.Since that I'm not familiar with the place it takes quite sometime for me to find the place.I drive around thew village and Lubok China.

Unluckily Jaf is busy and I decided to leave.He invite me to the expo tomorrow.Then I take the way head to Simpang Ampat.Near Simpang Ampat traffic light I stop for a while to buy a few packets of kuih telur.Then I drive to Tampin in search for cendol.My mission to Tampin is 100% unsuccessful and I decided to drive home.Anyway the journey make me so tired because of the weather.It is very hot today and it makes me sweat all the time except when I'm in the car.Once I arrived home I took some Remaja mag to read and I found some interesting fact.I'll share it with you and give your opinion.

A guy's love :

1 - Guys will frequently give an advise or opinion as a symbol of his love.
2 - When his beloved didn't give enough attention, a guy tend to be jealous and sensitive.
3 - Guys will always care bout his beloved safety because they're more important then
4 - Guys think that his girlfriend is the person he trust the most and he's willing to sacrifice
anything including his life.
5 - Guys likes to entertain the beloved one and he tend to change into a talkative person.
6 - Love might turn a guy into a very hardworking man and willing to help his girlfriend in any

date Monday, March 23, 2009

10 comments to “ah-ha!”

  1. fixrezzi
    March 23, 2009 at 9:28 PM

    nice trivia bro....
    tp bley kerw girls nie prasan ?hahaha....

  1. Unknown
    March 23, 2009 at 9:38 PM

    xperasan kot
    xperience ak kte mnde tuh klo kte wt sie2 jer
    appreciate dri sndri da la

  1. Anonymous
    March 24, 2009 at 10:27 AM

    hmm..are u sure guys?
    maube dat gal tu lembap ckit kot.
    btw, gud infos.

  1. Unknown
    March 24, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    lmbap skit?maybe byk kot
    klo dri sndri jer luke xleh jdik gk
    bukn die nk taruk ubat silp2 tlg bukk luke jd lg besr

  1. Suraya I.
    March 25, 2009 at 11:51 AM

    itu ciri2 lelaki yg perfect..
    but no one is perfect kan?

  1. Unknown
    March 25, 2009 at 12:42 PM

    mmg xder
    nih bkn cri2 yg perfect
    cme smethng yg guys tend to do to show his love
    sometimes girls misunderstood
    might cause a big fight

  1. syana razak
    March 31, 2009 at 5:12 PM

    to believe or not to believe...

  1. Unknown
    March 31, 2009 at 7:42 PM

    believe dow
    tpi dpend the way kte intepret
    n dpend gk pnglmn kte cmne
    klo ngeri tobat not to believe

  1. syana razak
    March 31, 2009 at 7:55 PM

    not 100% la believe tuu..
    70-80 jerk..yess..hehe

  1. Unknown
    March 31, 2009 at 8:37 PM

    tuh la
    as expected
    musti xtotally btol
    dpend dgn guys la
    xsume cmtuh