
I woke up early this morning and around 0715 I head to the field.I had a couple rounds of jog and followed by walking for another couple of rounds.Then I do some weightlifting in the gym.My morning exercise session end at around 0915.I walked back to my room to have my breakfast and some rest.I filled up my leisure times by reading newspapers and playing games.Anyway I there are few headlines that caught my attention.They are about politics and fuel price.

Most of the newspapers is talking about Kuala Terengganu mini election and disharmony in political party.Back in Kuala Terengganu,a giant flag that fall almost cost an innocent people life.A motorcyclist was injured in the incident and he lost goods for his bussiness.In another incident early in the morning,a quarelled occured when a man was erecting a flag.It happens because of territory which it is not legally own by any political party.Why don't just let the campaign go on peacefully.We live in the world were everything owns by ALLAH and no party own even a village or city legally because they only will be the administrator and manage the region.Disharmony in opposition coalition also caught the my attention.With PAS stand firm with their objective and DAP continuously go against that idea,things seems to be not heading the right direction.One of DAP member also stated that Malaysia is not an Islamic country based on 'Mahkamah Agung' decision backed in 1988.If this problem left unsolved,opposition coalition future seems to move to their own graveyard.Malaysian is a multi-racial and multi-religious,any religious related rules need a further studies before being applied.

Next issues is about oil price.After rise astronomically last year,oil price had dropped down and remains around USD 40 a barrel.Locals had urged the government to further lowered the fuel price and yet government did not give a yes.It is explained in the newspaper that there will be no fuel price reduction unless the price fall and remains below USD 40.In addition,respective minister also said there is no price rise unless price for a barrel of oil exceeding USD 70.With this strategy means oil price will remains for sometime.Any price hike also won't cost us,consumer any budget reconstruction.I hope oil price won't be an issue in the future with the explanation given by the minister.In addition,increase of oil price will also increase the price of goods for consumer.

date Thursday, January 15, 2009

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