
"KUALA LUMPUR 23 Jan. - Hampir 1,000 orang berkumpul bagi membantah serangan dan kekejaman rejim zionis terhadap rakyat Palestin di pekarangan Masjid India selepas solat Jumaat hari ini"

Above nih petikan dari Utusan online yang aku baca.I'm not saying that what they had done is wrong but it's just a waste of time.Zaman sekarang bukan sama macam before merdeka.Todays if we aren't powerful in term of military or economy then we were nothing.Rather than doing demonstration it is better we raise fund to help those in Palestine.Wake up Malaysian.We aren't that powerful so that our voice of concern or hate towards Israel will be heared by them.With the size and population like a state in US,we were nothing.Our military is not that powerful and we might not even withstand if Singapore(a US companion) launch and attack on us.Realize the truth and do the right things.

date Saturday, January 24, 2009

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