Selamat datang ke tahun 2009.Untuk 'posting' kali ini aku nak memperkenalkan rakan baru untuk para jejaka, majalah "Men's Health".Ini merupakan kali pertama aku beli majalah ini dan yang pasti ak amat berpuas hati dengan intipati di dalamnya. Untuk keluaran Januari 2009,penekanan diberikan ke atas isu mengembalikan bentuk badan (body conditioning).Got few tips there bout diet and exercises in order to keep fit and healthy.Besides there are also few secrets tips bout men and women relationship (guys u should get it for ur future).
First of all I'm gonna touch on foods for our body.On page 16 we can find the best fruits to eat.Find the best fruit that will keep u look younger and healthy.Move few more pages and find the foods for muscle triangle.In addition there are also information on how to marinate and cooks food while maintaining the nutrients.Finally there's a recipe but not for us la because it use pork.
Anyway it's useless to talk to much on foods if we don't do exercise.For this edition they showed a sets of training to help us regain our shape and fitness.In the same times they also included a bit of tips for gym's 'rat'.Using this tips might help them to growth their muscle bigger.Also include a guide for beginner who gonna involve in 'body building'
Mens and womens were made for each other but somehow men and womens usually failed to understand each other.In the Jan 09 edition u can find a section where it'll teach u how to speak her language.Somewhere at the middle of the magazine u can find tricks how to made ur relationship happier.From my reading I can said it can make the relationship far more instresting than what we expected.In addtion there are also few facts that a man should know.
The price might be expensive compared to Ujang but it is something regarded as must buy for a men (includes those who located in the transition zone).Go n get it now friends!!!!GUYS only!!!!

2 comments to “Men's Health”
January 3, 2009 at 11:09 AMeh...
xleh2.mne's for mens la.nnt women tau scret xleh2
January 3, 2009 at 8:27 AM
kalo ak nak bace gak buleh??kehkeh