
Malam semalam aku tengok AJL.Most of performance memang impressive tambah pulak dengan special efek dari TV3.Anyway pada aku kalau dengar elok-elok semalam most lagu untuk loser.Lagu Untukmu,Yang Pernah,Sampai Syurga and few more songs memang lirik die sedih.Wutever it is congrats wat MUH coz menang while Faizal Tahir tak pulang dengan empty hand.After missing last year duel due to suspension(macam kene red card plak),he's back with an energetic performance with a bit 'weird gimic'.This morning i'm browsing through my gtalk list and unfortunately read one of my friend status.Perhaps it is an anger coz it sounds like this "those in Palestine are waiting to be bombed while we here were waiting for Juara Lagu".

It's true that it's unfair but accept it that we as a human sometimes forget bout other.Human and entertainment can't be separated.Anyway I'm not go against the statement nor supporting.We watch the show as an entertainment to satisfy ourselves.In addition it doesn't mean that we forgot bout our 'siblings' in Palestine.Those who is humans still care bout the war carried by uncivilize race.However quarelling bout simple things is just a waste of times but do bear in our mind not to said something that is incorrect.Simple small thing might coz huge problem and havoc in the future.

Pray for Palestinians safety.

date Monday, January 19, 2009

1 comments to “AJL 2008”

  1. Anonymous
    January 19, 2009 at 7:40 PM


    kalau ak tgk status tu pun ak sentap skit kot...

    bkn nya kita2 yg tgk AJL tu x prihatin terhadap keadaan kt Gaza nun sana tu....

    it's just another show for us...alah, tgk AJL pun nk jadi isu ke??

    by the way, smlm mmg best giler...agak suprising gak la MUH menang AJL...ingatkan faizal tahir x pe la..dier x pulang dgn tgn kosong...byk la duit yg dier dpt..

    hurm....agak2 AJL tahun dpn mcm mana ek?>

    p/s: 1st week of semester mmg menyakitkan hati...betul x??