
Last week we had our Earth Hour.An hour were participating country urges their citizen to light off the light in their house.This is an effort to ensure the sustainibility of mother earth.I heard that a study is on the way to prove that the fact it do save energy by switching household lamp for an hour.Anyway all the best to whom who work on this study.

Afterall I'm not gonna mumbling about the effectiveness but just to work on some fact and some silly mistake done by people that confess their support to save mother earth.First of all by turn off the lamp light or whatever light that help to enhance lighting for the road.I'm totally disagree with that action by UTP management.Aren't they concern about safety?It means nothing if the effort led to people died because of accident.In UTP not all vehicles properly equip with lamp and not each light is working properly.Even not every car is metallic that reflect light well and can be seen a bit in the dark.I think one day a student might end up riding their motor or bike in the sewer if earth hour campaign led to turn off the road light.Earth hour might end up as accident hour.

Second thing is we try to save fossil fuel being use to generate eletric and yet we were using our car to go to somewhere else.I'm not sure whether this is the similar scenario in other country but a video from previous year in TV shows that M'sian are moving around in their cars during earth hour.Instead of fuel being burn to generate eletric power but it end up being combusted to move a car.An equation that I can say more or less still keep on the fossil fuel depletion problem continue.Furthermore combustion means carbon dioxide and water being release to atmosphere.This amazing gas won't do any favor for us afterall.Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will sustain heat and make our earth hotter.It is not like "Lebih hangat daripada biasa" of Hot FM radio station but a total hottie.

Another thing is lighting up the candle.Still the powerful combustion take place.People hopefully did not see the significant but a million of candle still a power that we need to be concern.After all a serious study should be done on this effort.A guideline should be give before this event take place in the future.People should now the significant of this effort.For people that think that this unreasonable the aren't gonna work on it.Earth hour is a great effort but without certain rules it just gonna do more damage rather than benefiting the eart.Think wise before act.

date Saturday, March 27, 2010

Around 11 o'clock tadi aku ada test Cultural Anthropology.Lepas lecturer distribute question paper,answer booklet and useless evaluation form we were permitted to begin the test.Baru aku nak bukak answer booklet lecturer suddenly bersuara "Any Liverpools' fan here?".Tak sure ada yang mengaku or not cume yang confirm ramai yang gelak.Aku ingat gelak takat lecturer make fun of the fan tapi meleset.Then die told a joke about 3 Englishman that go and talk to their God respectively.
1st man : when will England wins Euro?
God : in 5 years time
1st man : i'll be dead by then
2nd man : when will England win the World Cup?
God : in 10 years time
2nd man : i'll be dead by then
3rd man : when will Liverpool win a Premiership?
God : i'll be dead by then
*p/s no offense to any religion or belief.

date Tuesday, March 23, 2010

aku dah selamat sampai kat utp
dalam jam 4.15 petang
lega sebab selamat sampai
alhamdulillah ALLAH masih beri aku peluang sambung lagi belajar kt UTP
anyway mule tonite aku akan pile misery keatas diri sendiri
fyp,fydp n test
kalau nak compare dengan seksaan ALLAH aper la sangat
tapi still terseksa
maybe jauh dah aku menyimpang dari jalan-Nya yang satu
kembali ke pangkal jalan
fitness sangat teruk
main futsal less than an hour
progress report memang kosong
masih bersyukur lutut tak berapa sakit
mak n alang tanx for da amazing cake
confirm sedap sebab gune golden churn n bukan marjerin murah farmcows
wajik dian mak bagi pun sodap
dinner dengan nescafe ditemani loi bersaudara
nak masak tak dapek coz gas abih,megi agan pun terpakse gune secret way utk masak
hati tak tenang
report n seminar memang suck coz aku tak suke documentation or presentation
perasaan aku celaru
aku dah tersungkur tapi masih punya kawan
i'm not desperate tapi i'll be craving for someone soon
dob,just be positive
Syukran ya Allah for the give
esok masih ada
hidup memang palat
nak kluar untuk sepasang kasut sukan
juga barang-barang dapur (cam suri rumah)
semoga lebey cemerlang

date Friday, March 19, 2010

Now the time has come

I can call the hunt a day

It is not mean for me

All the best


date Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today is the fourth day of my mid-sem holiday.Things aren't so rosy as expected.I can say that I'm missing the scenario at UTP.I miss my pet,my pc,my rugby team,my friends and so many things. Tomorrow me n my family will head to Aeon Bandar Melaka.I'm eyeing for a pair of futsal shoes and few pieces of clothes.Anyway the truth I'm missing is something we called as life.Except for daily prayers and routine a lot were missing.However it is not what come across of me today but rather of a person-person fit which makes them a good pair or couple.

For those whom taking Human Resource Management as their management elective they should familiar with person job-fit and person environment fit i the 4th or 5th chapter if I'm not mistaken.Anyway the thing that came across with me whether it is applicable whether we need to find a real fit for us before deciding with whom we should spent the rest of our life.Reflecting back to my previous experience I found that we might not be a real fit in a lot of term.Being raised in a different environment and in fact the way us think is very much different.

According to the learning output from my very own 'processor' when a person really fit their position and working environment it'll result in a high performance,very dedicated,ambitious and high flying employee.This also reduce the amount of turnover and absenteeism.Will this fit-thing applied in choosing partner will help to reduce the rate of clashes and divorce which will further help reducing family problem and other family-problem related matters.Perhaps with a better understanding and compromise between one another will be the dominant words in order to test the relevance of this theory.

Choosing a partner within a similar field was very common.Rough observation in the university itself I can conclude that most of partners were made of people from the same field even though might not be in the same major.This is a real prove that there's person-person fit before a pair were founded or aka foundation to a relation.Their personal might be deviate a bit but in term of workloads and difficulties while learning they understand each other better.They might have a more or less similar definition of life.In my opinion this help them to understand each other perception judgment and resolving problems.

I haven't speak wif them regarding to their childhood background but most of them came from boarding school which make they share almost similar teenagers life.Girls understand how their partner growth and guys might have perhaps sufficient knowledge about the girls back in school.
This is my theory of relativity regarding to person-person fit in building a good foundation for a successful relation.

Put in a deep thinking, I was very curious whether a professional woman will suit me in the future.I'm not a person whom only have one life.Rather than living with lot of money I'm more a person whom searching for work-life balance.If we reflect on my style in university I'm not 100% into study but divide in to a few field of interest.I spent daylight for learning.Evening for sports and recreation and night mix of both.Luckily I'm not a vampire that might have a night life.My life style also get me justified why I UTP is the correct place for me rather than oversea.I think I might not make it living in oversea with weekdays spent a lot for study and night were spent in room or library.

Anyway life always make me wondering and thinking.I wonder what the fool am I to stay in UTP and it affect me for a very long time.I wonder what the hell happen to my previous relationship.I wonder what the hell a process engineer was doin working up to 8pm daily.This post might help to justify the failure of my previous relation and help me in the future.I also suggesting friend to try this theory before deciding with whom you gonna spent your life with.

"Renung-renungkan dan selamat ber-fyp"

date Monday, March 15, 2010

Hari ini bertarikh 10 Mac 2009.At the moment aku rasa less than 12 hours before bakal-bakal mahasiswa dan mahasiswi (kenapa ada maha pun aku tak sure) akan menerima keputusan mereka.Anyway "mati hanya sekali" jadi janganlah bunuh diri kalau result teruk.Tak berbaloi-baloi coz SPM boleh amik banyak kali.Anyway together we pray for our brothers and sisters and friends.Today juga mungkin hari terakhir kelas untuk mereka-mereka yang bergelar AFY either final sem or just comin back from internship.Somehow aku ada lagi kelas optimization yang tersayang esok.For the sake of my beloved FYP aku kena letak 150% untuk programming.However 200% aku letak untuk ragbi (sorry learning,I'm not soo into you).
Pada yang dah atau mungkin akan sampai rumah untuk tempoh 72 jam seterusnya selamat bercuti.Jangan dilupakan FYP,FYDP dan segala macam pelengkap degree anda.Jangan biarkan mereka kesunyian.A couple of weeks back aku ada maki regarding to too much waste coming from poster and so on and tak kurang juga tarikh-tarikh event yang bertindih.Anyway abandon jer isu tarikh or duration event yang sometimes look mightily ridiculous.It also ridiculous to get rid of polystyrene and the effort of recycling while a lot of notification and poster were left in the drain.I'm pretty sure I'm not blind.Tak percaya?Kalau tak percaya andalah yang buta coz bersepah kat longkang jalan nak ke Poket D tuh.
What kind of event do you prefer?Religion related or entertainment?Academic or non-academic related?This thing is up to the person.Each person have difference preference and it might be pre-decided base on their background.However for people like me I don't biased on any side.I consume any of it as long as it is interesting.Anyway my room location is one big obstacle preventing me from following all the event.I prefer if event were not overlapped.Previously when I was a part of a committee,our event was hit with another event just to prevent juniors from attending our event.Back then a lot of people is conquering one particular entity.In our rough conclusion it was a way to show their rage and anger.Go to hell with past anyway.From that point onwards I lost most of my respect on major entity in this university.
Anyway it is up to you to confess your preference.However it kind of improper if you out it in public.Sometimes I think we can respect our friends whom had sacrifice a lot for their passion and interest.This is not a matter of insulting or offence on other but it is just respect.More or less we can show our appreciation (performance appraisal).Anyway this not my thesis statement for this post.It is already stated in the above paragraph.Please,please (boleh baca macam lagu tu) arrange event properly.Kalau semua bertindih nanti orang asyik buat Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.Personally aku tak rasa isu macam ni tak promote learning outside the class.Camne pun aku percaya orang Ko-Q unit tak baca blog aku.Tapi for those yang bace and in the future akan jadi PM or what so ever arrange event elok-elok.Hormat event orang so orang hormat event kita.Obviously aku rasa budak UTP ramai dari golongan 50-50 tak kira dari aspek politik or bentuk hiburan.
~renung-renungkan dan selamat bercuti~

date Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Last midnight result internship keluar.Most of us feel very relieve macam dalam gambar above.Aku pun masih bersyukur dengan rezeki ALLAH biarpun kecewa.Mungkin tak ramai yang faham kecewa golongan yang macam aku.Ada yang mengomel "aku naek 0.08 jer","owh xder efek pun kt cg" dan macam-macam lagi.Aku tak sure whether expectation korang terlalu tinggi or memang tak perasan yang korang memang dah score previously.Honestly tak kesah scholar aper pun semua nak score elok.Mak abah aku pun bukan cop duit dan aku pun bukan sampah jalanan.Aku bukan tikus dilorong-lorong belakang.So meh aku show skit aper pentingnya A untuk golongan yang macam aku;
if b4 intern CG 2.5, dapat A intern
CG jadi around 2.75
if b4 intern CG 2.6,
CG akan up ke around 2.83
if b4 intern korang score CG 2.7
after intern CG akan approximately jadi 2.92
if b4 intern CG 2.8
CG akan up ke 3.0
if b4 intern CG 2.9
dapatlah CG 3.08
if b4 intern CG korang 3
dapatlah up ke 3.17 approximately
if b4 intern CG 3.1
dapatlah up jadi 3.25
if b4 intern CG 3.2
CG akan up ke 3.33
if b4 intern CG 3.3
CG akan up ke 3.42
if b4 intern CG 3.4
CG korang mark up ke 3.5
if b4 intern CG 3.5
Naeklah CG ke 3.58 or 3.6
kalau b4 intern CG 3.6
naeklah ke 3.66 or 3.67
if b4 intern CG 3.7
CG korang akan jadi 3.75
*semua calculation under ideal condition score A untuk intern
and as Cg korang before intern goes higher the change turn to be less significant or almost goes unnoticed.For those yang memang dah score tak perlu nak cakap takder efek coz CG korang memang dah already tinggi.Betul orang cakap maybe bukan rezeki aku kat satu tempat tapi aku pun manusia cam korang.Aku tak nak terikat dengan kontrak selain tanggungjawab pada agam dan keluarga.So tolong faham situasi golongan macam kami.

date Monday, March 8, 2010

Dah habis pun week ke-6 diUTP.Progress study almost nil.Progress rugby a bit study but team still rusty.Anyway this week end on a high note with a win in our last game and good food all weekend.Berapa score team petang tadi aku pun tak sure coz kitorg shortage of kicker sebab Tepung a.k.a Ahmad Syafwan tidak hadir.Anyway tanx untuk semua yang main.Yang main peranan pun terima kasih.
Dah masuk tahun ke-5 aku kat UTP dan senario yang common masa puasa adalah couple eat together.Makanan disediakan oleh wife (bukan wifi or macik kafe mane-mane) and hubby datang bukak mulut jer.Aku suka pemandangan nih sebab awal-awal dah try tambat hati hubby dengan masakan you all.Anyway aku kadang teringin tengok laki masak lak.Masak air,telor goreng or wat megi tak masuk dalam list masakan aku disini.Sometimes it'll add more flavour in the relation.Bukan aku jadi batu api untuk korang tukar task n responsiblities tapi just suggesting.
Balik dari match tadi memang aku penat n kebulur.Rumet aku a.k.a Mohd Izwan Ramly (dia takder adik nama Izwani kay) ajak makan kat luar tapi skuadron loi banyak ada meeting.Disebabkan penat n malas aku decide nak wat mee sup or megi pun oke.Mee die aku gune air dried noodles beli kat tesco.Honestly aku rindu nak makan bihun sup dengan laicikang dekat Sri Emas,Masjid Tanah.Maybe cuti mid sem boleh pergi kot.Anyway sup die simple jer.Memang seswai untuk guys yang nak jamu plak lover diorang.
2 ulas bawang merah - hiris halus
1 ulas bawang putih - hiris halus gak
1/2 boneless chicken breast - potong kiub
6 ketul bebola ikan - potong 4
1 fish cake - hiris sederhana
2/3 carrot - potong sesuka hati
2 biji telur
Minyak and garam
1 3/4 mangkuk air
3 keping air dried noodles dari Tesco Pengkalan
Methodology (cam wat experiment gak)
1- Tumis bawang sampai naik bau
2- Amik kulit dari boneless chicken tadi and masuk tumis same
3- Masukkan carrot and tunggu sampai bau naek masyuk
4- masukkan air untuk sup.klo suke banjir letak air lebih
5-masukkan ayam yang dah didadu tadi
6- after a while masukkan fish ball n fish cake yang dah siap potong
7- bila air dah menggelegak masukkan telur.
8- tambah garam secukup rasa
9- kembangkan mee dalam air panas
10- serve ikut suka korang
*boleh tambah cili api untuk lebih pedas.untuk rasa terbaik gune la penumis sup.
gambar contoh hidangan untuk aku

cadangan hidangan menggunakan mangkuk

akhir kata selamat mencuba

date Sunday, March 7, 2010

Salam guys,
Pagi tadi aku bangun agak lewat since that aku tido pun memang lewat.Harap tidak timbul sebarang persoalan pasal aku bangun lambat sebab memang aku menyahut seruan hari minggu.Anyway this is not something people should do.Bangun pagi and roomate tak ada atas katil sebab dia pergi jog and then tengok figo & co. main futsal.Tak lama lepas aku meng-activate gTalk nakonen pun pm dengan menghantar link berkaitan dengan keganasan.Bukan keganasan tentera diPalestin atau mana-mana negara bergolak tetapi keganasan oleh pelajar-pelajar dari Mesir keatas seorang tukang kasut.To be exact brader tukang kasut dekat row Bank Rakyat Taman Maju,ala yang kedai share dengan tukang jahit kalau tak salah aku.
Tukang kasut bukanlah orang asing dinegara ini.Salah satu pekerjaan yang memang didominasi oleh Bumiputra sendiri.Sebagai specialist dalam pembaik pulihan kasut,mereka tidak diberikan penghormatan yang wajar dimata masyarakat.However tukang kasut juga merupakan salah satu dari pilihan seniman P. Ramlee untuk filem lakonan beliau.Anyway hanya pada zaman serba moden ini tukang kasut semakin tenggelam dan hanya popular dikalangan mereka dari golongan sederhana dan bukan golongan kaya raya,pada pendapat penulis (sebab depa memang ada banyak duit nak tukaq kasut).However kes terbaru yang berlaku kat sini bukan sahaja melibatkan tukang kasut tetapi juga maruah dan kehormatan Malaysia itu sendiri.
Kedekut,sepp (asal dari save) or tangkai jering is not something weird.People have to do so to ensure they can keep on living.Somehow I'm wondering what the heck with the foreigner that makes RM30 matter so much for him.They waste their money with clothing,cigar and entertainment and yet they can get angry for RM30 to repair 3 pairs of shoes.Men you had gone too far.It is just ridiculous.I myself as a Malaysian didn't mind to pay for Rm15 to repair my shoes.Indeed it is something worth your money.Most of us now that they were born to be harsh (rude is wrong because their high touch culture) and they had this perception that others need to be afraid to them.For God sake you are playing with fire to think like that when you are in a foreign nation.
Anyway caci maki mereka belum kita kira tapi itu mungkin disebabkan perception yang tertanam dalam diri mereka.Mungkin juga sebab Malaysia itu sendiri tidak begitu kukuh seperti zaman pemerintahan Tun M yang mana kuasa-kuasa besar juga menghormati Malaysia.Somehow aku rasa brader tuh suppose beli la pistol macam gambar kat bawah.Silencer,target laser and teropong semua ada.Datang menatang-menatang tuh tembak ja.Pistol sonyap memang orang buek dek ja.Mampuih depa senang hati kita.Bukan abang ja senang ati tapi kami semua.Depa memang pelaq,kurang hajaq dan segala pa patut.Memang bangsat kalau maki hamun orang-orang kita.Biarpun den dari Negeri Sombilan mungkin ado susur galur tang sumatera tapi memang bangsa nih kena halau keluar.Mondidih darah kok consider diorang.Somak samun lobih lair tang tanah adat yang tak bersontoh.
However abang tu patut kita bela.Pada aku kalau tak bela dia umpama kera dihutan disusukan anak dirumah mati kelaparan.Orang yang beribu batu kita rundingkan orang tak sampai 10 batu dari kita kena tindas and dalam kesusahan.Buka mata pejuang-pejuang hak asasi manusia diUTP ini.
"Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal"

date Saturday, March 6, 2010


Familiar dengan tajuk post kali nih?Sure ramai yang familiar especially mereka yang menjadi peminat setia salah sebuah dari persatuan politik dinegara ini.However post kali ini tak ada secalit pun kaitan dengan persatuan tersebut.I'm a free writer.Not bounded (soft or hardbound) to any party but somehow I might be regularly on the government side due to reason of unity.Too many agenda,too many leaders,too many speakers and too many other things resulting the massacre in the opposition.I don't mind if you think I'm a person that support corruption because it does not taken into account when I evaluate the best path to the future.
Anyway post bertajuk loi sebelumnya mendapat sokongan dari incik kersani,tiada kaitan persaudaraan dengan mana-mana keris atau senjata dari zaman Hang Tuah sampailah ke Hang Pa la Hang Tu.Dalam last kelas "SEJARAH" last week kami di-brief tentang book report.At the end of task paper ada list a few books dan selaku seorang yang meminati Tun M.,I'm very interested on a few titles especially this one, "Mahathir vs Abdullah".Anyway ini tidak bertujuan meng-insult mana-mana bekas PM kita sebab aku pun belum mengundi zaman mereka memerintah.Kalau aku mengundi pun aku bukan dalam parlimen diorang.
Zaman ini kita sering memperkatakan tentang demokrasi dan bukan lagi kuku besi.Somehow will this work out as we want and propel nation to the right way?Lepas mantan PM, Tun M menyerahkan jawatan,banyak pung pang pung pang (sembang kemaih cam tin kosong) kata Tun kuku besi.Whatever it is aku bersetuju dengan cara pentadbiran demokrasi yang agak keras.I've never come across istilah kuku besi tapi more or less itu adalah method yang Tun gunakan untuk mengelak perpecahan.Tak terlayan karenah semua pihak kalau kita layan.We have more than 20 millions population 5-7 years back and if everyone want to speak out then it will be a mess.
Sama macam kat UTP.Kalau semua nak komen itu ini,sampai bila MPP tak boleh buat apa.Rektor pun boleh pecah kepala.Anyway aku tak berat mana-mana pihak.Aku masih percaya setiap perkara perlu dirunding bersama between perwakilan dan yang pakar.Isu seperti amalan perkongsian menerusi dc++ dan kesannya terhadap kelajuan Internet tidak wajar dipanjangkan tanpa nasihat mereka yang lebih arif.Apa yang dapat dilihat direct impact ketiadaan perkongsian adalah tendency untuk pelajar keluar dan menghabiskan masa diluar.Lihat sahaja kegagalan PnP ber-medium-kan English untuk Matematik dan Sains.Niat yang bagus namun perlaksanaan yang hanya dirancang oleh mereka diperingkat tertinggi yang rata-rata hanya spend a little of their service period as a teacher.Telusnya, MPP tidak dipandang tinggi oleh pelajar-pelajar UTP sebab mereka tak cenderung berpolitik.Tapi aku tetap berterima kasih untuk perubahan positif yang mereka dah bawak which I'm not very sure to mention any.
Ini dah masuk ke closing (100% not related to MLM closing).Hidup sebenar kita tak lari dari senario sebenar.Rasulullah berdakwah juga sukar pada awalnya.Tapi Baginda berdakwah secara berhemah dan menggunakan pendekatan tepat.Akhir kata Majulah Loi Untuk Negara.

date Friday, March 5, 2010

History or sejarah is something we can hardly separate from a thing we called as learning.Dari kecik sampai tua,people will keep on talking about history.Some people will take it as a lesson and some might just keep mumbling and comparing present and past.A phenomenon which is particularly useless because it will never bring back the glory and indeed it is just a waste of time.
Dari kajian tempatan ke sejarah in secondary school,kita diajar untuk menghargai perjuangan orang yang terdahulu.Cuba mencari identiti dan menerapkan perpaduan yang aku in total rasa unsuccessful.It is not the fault of the history book,historian or the history itself but the education system in the country.In fact a single medium school back during colonial period is far much more better (memang terlangkup english aku).Sebagai seorang pelakar engineer yang loi,aku percaya itu main factor yang ramai tak sedar,propel Malaysia to independent.
Anyway,this sem all of us or at least most of us taking Malaysian Studies.This time sejarah kita define dalam erti kata yang lebih detail.Tak melihat sejarah hanya sekadar pengjaran dan iktibar tapi melihat sejarah dari pelbagai aspek.However kami tetap loi dalam melihat semua itu.Sejarah sering kali dedefinisikan oleh pelbagai pihak dengan different perspective and intention.The truth aku lagi berminat kalau sejarah politik kampus diUTP itself dibincangkan.
Anyway student UTP aku rasa majoriti tak minat dengan politik kampus.Mereka lebih terarah untuk mengikuti perkembangan diluar.Politik kampus?Apa b**i semua itu.Mungkin itu jawapan majoriti kalau survey dibuat.Hakikatnya politik kampus diUTP bukan mewakili semua lapisan pelajar.Kebarangkalian untuk mendapat 50% dari student mengundi pun sukar.Geng loi sendiri mengakui bahawasanya tiada perubahan best yang significant dapat dilihat jika dibandingkan dengan zaman di zon selesa sekitar tahun 2006-2007.
Habis gak se-perenggan mengkritik politik UTP.Actually ini adalah post membuang masa dan tak ilmiah.Mungkin next kita akan cuba define sejarah dari kaca mata (takde kaitan dengan band Budak Kaca Mata) loi.Semoga dimasa hadapan akan lebih ramai golongan loi memasuki UTP.Sometimes kita kena propel UTP ke hala tuju yang lebih tenang.Bukan semua nak sibuk ber-peersatuan.Bukan semua sibuk hal-hal diperingkat antarabangsa tapi anak dirumah mati kelaparan.

date Thursday, March 4, 2010

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with
23 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
At the end, choose 5 people to be tag

This instruction aku dapat dari blog junior aku.apesal die tag sampai 2 kali pun tak sure.23 facts agak banyak untuk aku tapi I'll try my best la.

1. Bukan pengganas biarpun nampak macam

2. Nama aku just 1/3 dari nama abah aku

3. Suka maki hamun kat blog

4. Suka layan budak-budak.takde exception umur.kalau perangai cam budak-budak pun aku layan.

5. Suka kereta yang jimat minyak

6. Prefer girl yang minat sukan

7. Prefer gak wife yang pndai masak

8. curious kenapa dulu amik engineering

9. Suka tido dengan bola ragbi

10. Tak suka membaca

11. Anak lelaki tunggal (takde kaitan dengan babi tunggal)

12. Suka makan buah durian

13. Rasa politik M'sia sucks sebab ramai sangat ahli politik

14. Sangat random dengan muzik.Dari beatles smpai BEP,sume aku tapau

15. Telah menjahanamkan 3 pasang sport shoes dan 4 pasang boot bola sepanjang diUTP

16. Injured lutut bukan sebab main ragbi

17. Suka combine macam-macam raw materials dalam masakan.

18. Punya selera naga yang datang sesekali

19. rumet dengan sultan Melaka

20. Rasa nak jadi cikgu sebab engineer life cam haper and aku nak main ragbi lagi

21. Minat photo tapi teringin orang amik gambar aku.

22. Suka rayau and tinggalkan komen kat blog orang

23. hari-hari pun main facebook

nex 5 person:

-mR. saMMy
-cik sur

date Monday, March 1, 2010

Dah masuk minggu ke 6 kehidupan aku sebagai pelajar tahun akhir di UTP.Setahun terakhir yang aku pun not really sure what it will offer.So far not so good except spending time playing rugby and futsal.Anyway aku kat bilik sorang coz Mr. Izwan Ramly pegi interfaith talk kat hall.Aku sebagai pure 'geng loi' memang stay kat bilik.Baru sudah menikmati 9 keping biskut Hwa Tai dengan secawan Nescafe Gold.
Anyway dah tahun ke 5 kat UTP and one thing memang tak improve.Makin lama makin teruk lagi tepat.Mula-mula masuk event taklah banyak.everyone berebut nak masuk event sampai ada yang kena gelar gila event.However sekarang event bersepah sampai orang yang sama terpaksa masuk event banyak-banyak (perhaps bukan sebab dia masih gila event).Aku tak sure for what reason things like this occured.
Anyway persetankan dengan kualiti event yang mungkin tercemar dek sebab kuantiti.Sebenar aku rimas dengan terlalu banyak poster dan menatang ikat-ikat dengan tali tuh.Except for big event like Convo, most event left mende-mende camtuh jer maybe dengan harapan benda tu akan reput.Belajar tinggi (maybe score lagi power dari aku) tapi common sense kurang.MPP sibuk buat recycle tapi simple thing camtu tak boleh nak handle so it end up sia-sia.Honestly menyemak dan mengotorkan.
Aku nak maki mende tuh jer.Aku pun dah rimas dengan event.Untuk event yang perlukan active participation, tolong kurangkan or join venture between two parties or more.Event cam Fesco no prob coz malam dan memang untuk berhibur.Weekend orang sibuk dengan UTP league.Budak ragbi ada Perak league.Orang sama yang main bola and main other sports.Bila budak nak study pun aku konfius.After this tak sure berapa juta aktivit lagi nak buat.Kalau SSSD nak kelab kene buat aktivit matilah.Kene renung-renungkan ya presiden-presiden pertubuhan dan kelab serta management yang aku percaya tak baca blog aku ni.
gambar dari weekend match lawan kinta ol boys.ader lagi gambar censored tapi aku tak interested nak letak takut blog akan jadi rated X

gambar dari jamuan oleh afiq ramli/apiq comey.sori muke besday boy not included.sume golongan pelakon tambahan atau lagi tepat pelahap-pelahap setia.

ending gambar aku.bukan adik lincon burrows or mane-mane watak dari series yang korang tengok.mungkin pak guard kat front gate pun cuak takut budak bawak gangster masuk UTP.
