"Perkara 16(6), Sistem Raja Berperlembagaan Malaysia, Sultan hanya berkuasa melucutkan EXCO bukannya MB. MB hanya bleh dilucutkan dngn pembubaran dun dan undi tidak percaya"
"ya Allah....selamatkanlah Islam di PERAK..."
At the moment it is still morning.Just finished watching a few looney tunes cartoons.What a great childhood we had ever had.A lot of cartoons and entertainment which were harmless to brain.It is different nowadays.Anyway just scroll down through my gtalk list and read my friends status and found 2 interesting status as highlighted above.
Anyway the first statement i dunno whether it is true or not.I just copy and paste from gtalk.If he's lying then so am I (I believe he just picked it up from the news or blog).Since the typhoon that attack Perak goverment I've seen a lot of weird status and respond which I see as an unimportant issues for UTP students.Most of us weren't Perakians and not yet voting.We don't get any benefit if we respond to those issues.In my perspective the typhoon is an example of a failure to 'divide and conquer' wisely.Managing a state is not a simple thing.We got a lot of excos with their very own ambition but in order to keep the goverment running, we need to keep the peace in the department.The leader need to divide the task and power fairly to each members so that they won't act weirdly.As a multi racial country,the task get even harder because we need to keep all races happy.In Malaysia where we know that each races have their own role in order to keep the country moving forward.I'm not gonna blame current MB of Perak (or should called former) because I've got no political intention writing this.Anyway it might be not his mistakes coz in politic there's always people who backstab their own friends for he/she own importance.He might be the scapegoat for others mistakes.Afterall why don't just we try to accept the fact that there's no such a perfect govevernment.Neither PR nor BN can make it.Sometimes we overlook on something or someone and they get angry.After that they will react without nego in order to pursue their 'mission' and try to get their right.Semoga Perak akan kembali AMAN.
Next we'll touch a bit on the second statement.I'm not gonna talk too much on its because religion weren't the best topic to comment on.If we open F5 history book we'll find that it is stated that Sultan/Raja/Yang di-Pertuan Besar is the leader of Islam in each state.Religious is not a political issue.We shouldn't bring religious into this 'messy and dirty' world of politic.It had been around for several years when people begin to politicking religous issue.We never know the truth behind the black screen of politic scene.We might not believe the media then we read blogs.However for me both media and blogs never write the truth.Writers will put a bit of trick and fooling aorund playing with the fact before concluding their article.None will be sincere because sincerity mean nothing in politic.Anyway we should believe that something is done for certain purposes and if it's wrong then let The Almighty punished them.Since that we got no power then we should pray and if we got any opinion or suggestion,just write it fomally in the correct way.
Friends for years to comeI believed this issue won't be solved and it might be worse.As a group of intelctual (one with knowledge) we should react to each issue properly and wisely.None should accusing or assaulting each other on other weakness.To keep this country running and move forward, we should sit down together and disscuss the matter.Pointing finger to other won't solve all the problems.Each problem or issue should be looked as a whole because overlook on something might coz future problem.That's the end for this post.C ya lter.

4 comments to “Useless”
February 10, 2009 at 8:00 AMhahahaha
tuh ar sapal
bukn orang perak pun
da kite xamik pn political science
xder makne sume nih
da la "undi anda adalah rahsia"
klo sume camnih xpyh wt election
sme orang bg jer gtok kt SPR
bia spr kire siap2
Suraya I.
February 11, 2009 at 11:16 AMhahah..
tau xpe..
pasni suh admin utp wt stu lg course br..
'science political with engineering add-ons'.
February 11, 2009 at 1:29 PMhahahaha
aper punyer kos ko suggest nih
rector pun bole jd 'reaktor'
aper daaa
political science suda
February 9, 2009 at 5:39 PM
ak pu nymph ngan status gtok dorg..
ntah pape..
duk utp blaja pndai2 suda..
bajet kalo tulis status gtok ntah pape tu ley btulkn keadaan politik la tu..