"Apabila Harakah dan Suara Keadilan dirampas , ceramah umum tidak benarkan , polis dikerah untuk menangkap pemimpin pembangkang dengan pelbagai alasan di bawah pelbagai akta pula seperti akta hasutan , akta cetak , akta polis dan lain - lain termasuk menggunakan ISA . TV pula menggila dengan laporan dan ulasan BERAT SEBELAH"
Above aku copy dari one of my friends gtalk status.Anyway I don't do anything wrong since that it is not a registered trademark and he's already make it public.In most of my post regarding to politics I always go against the idea that students should paid too much attention on politics.Do we know behind the scene?Do we know each political figure ambition?Generally politics is dirty.There are no word such as sincerity,democracy and fair in politics.The truth is most of politic figure are lying.People do anything as long as they remain powerful.If now it is the government doing that kind of thing and soon if opposition is at the top thay also gonna do the same thing.If it is not that one it maybe the other one or another coalition.Media weren't guilty in this issue.What they are doing is just to keep their bussiness.They can't go against the government and if they do so then that will be the dot for their bussiness.Media is a big industry offering a lot of job oppurtunity for M'sia citizen and if they "gulung tikar" then those workers will suffer.To be sincere the most affected will be Malay.Malay who works as news reader,photographer,producer,camera man and others position including the guards.Had you ever think of this?You never looks at the chain of affected people.Most of thing had it's own domino effect.One fall down and a lot of people will be affected.You silly,arrogant and selfish dude.I think I stop here because it seems that I'm gonna lost my temper.Looks at an issue as a whole.Always look forward over a decision before making any decision.Selected leaders now their own responsiblities and if they forgot than they should be responsible.

6 comments to “Bosan”
February 18, 2009 at 8:53 AMhahahaha
nk wat cmne
klo kite berjaya bru la leh talk psal mnde2 nih
bljr pn xabes lgi
ak xkne dowh lucky draw TP
Suraya I.
February 18, 2009 at 10:43 AMthey still hv the issue bout politic huh?
ak da mls nk amek tau..
p/s:somehow ak ksian gk kt nazri sbb kene ltk jwtn..die xd wt slh pape pun
February 18, 2009 at 2:02 PMhahahaha
bio2 jer la
ak pn bkn aper
ak x sapot mne2
cme cbe kte pkir rasional tiap2 mnde
klo sme org asyk maen fitnah2
negara xgk aman
Suraya I.
February 19, 2009 at 4:42 PMbtul3..
nh yg ak mkin rase cm xnk dftr ngundi nh..
February 19, 2009 at 8:21 PMhahahaha
xkeshla ko nk dftr ke x
dpendsla kn
jnji dftr kursus kawen
February 18, 2009 at 2:35 AM
rilek2...jgn marah2...
dari kita fokus byk sgt kt hal2 luar ni...alangkah baeknya kalau kiter fokus skit kt pelajaran kita...
after all...tujuan utama kita masuk Uni ni utk belajar kn??
sendiri mau ingat laa...
(p/s: no ID ko kena lucky draw TP x?? ak nyer naek lor...)