Last post I had wrote about useless discussion on politic by UTP students. I'm not pointing to anyone but for me we're still students and let just focus on our study.After all sincerity is not a word in 'political dictionary'. Politic is always dirty and back stab either opposition or collision was not an irregularity. By the way put that aside for while.Yesterday there was a match b'ween Gen06 vs L'Equippo(if I'm not mistaken). The result was 3-1 win for Gen06. Congrats guys and keep it up for upcoming season.Round table session after the match had disscussed on the weakness of the team and each player. Keep concentrate on your training and it'll pay you back handsomely.Thanks to Sam coz tlg tgkp gambar.

4 comments to “Glory,glory”
February 11, 2009 at 12:01 PMdiorg prepare utk UTP league
kick-off dis week tp bdk2 nih maen nex week rsenye
Suraya I.
February 11, 2009 at 1:40 PMla yeke..
kalo diz wk ley tgk..
February 11, 2009 at 2:46 PMhahahaha
ak akn trus updte kt sni
dgn gmbar2 "hot"
February 11, 2009 at 11:09 AM
skang mmg tgh de match football eh kt utp?