
Peace will be the keyword for this post. I've been using this words for several time for all post(esp post related to politic). This morning I woke up a bit late and still lucky enough to be able to online and using a 'faster' connection. Then like always I browse through my gtalk list. This is my routine for more than a year. It is fun to read my friends status. The status will change depend on the occasion. When there's politic fever then everyone will talk about politics and the phenomenon can be find when there's event on UTP. I can't deny the fact that UTP students came from various background so that they got different thinking perspective.

It is mere an a year since all this havoc happen. I miss the 'old' weather in UTP when there's no such storm and typhoon attacks. Todays the situation is different. When there's an event and they did not like it they begin to launch the attack. Something I regard as an ethical. They failed to do it wisely despite the fact that UTP is more multi-racial compared to our own country. You try to failed others event and then hoping for others to make your event a success. What a s*** you're trying to do. I'm not gonna support any parties but I want they to understand. This is not the way to win others heart.

Guys you need to be more ethical. Stop to looks at others likes they are too bad and naive. Never neglect others feelings and want them to respect you. Respect each other coz none will respect you unless you respect them first. Don't underestimate others because hatred might make others act unwise. I'm not gonna see people spraying paint on others banner and so on. Those 'fighter' should remember that event. You launch a scatching attack and you paid for it but you never looks back what you have done. That incident might repeat once more if you keep on using the same approach. Try to get near to others and learn about their style first before making any move. If you're in a war and just attack without proper planning and tactical, you will not just lost but it can be a massive lost with a lot of blood. Fight fire with fire but not just a crazy attack. Approach people properly. Ask them to do the basic things. Advice them to keep the barrier between man and woman, never left their obligation and respect each others.

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.......

date Wednesday, February 11, 2009

4 comments to “Peace”

  1. Suraya I.
    February 11, 2009 at 1:39 PM

    tau xpe.
    dari dlu smpai skang tau nak merosakkn event org.
    kalo gne approach baek xpe.
    ni cmne la org nk respect mereka kn..

  1. Unknown
    February 11, 2009 at 2:47 PM

    pndai2 la
    klo trus2 cmnih xleh gk
    niat baik xmenghlalkn cara

  1. Suraya I.
    February 19, 2009 at 5:53 PM

    fesco berjalan dgn aman~~

  1. Unknown
    February 19, 2009 at 8:19 PM

    okla cmtuh
    tggu eupho plak