Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
It is almost a week I'm home and it is real deal for me despite forking out another few hundred buck for another ticket.By end of this month I'm around 80 days away from my 24th birthday which coincidentally somewhere in the 1st week of raya.
Since my secondary school time i'm on journey and till today I've not been staying near to my hometown.Years of searching and today I realize something.I got to understand the real means of family bond and love.
One thing I remembered the most from my interview with Petronas and Teach for Malaysia is the question about obstacle.The biggest obstacle I've faced was when I break up with my previous partner.Why it is hard?Because I face it all alone.I don't turn back to my family to get their support.Luckily I turn back to the Almighty to seek for His guidance.In general the influence and interference by my family in my life path has enable me to gain their support.They are open to listen and advise me.It makes overcoming obstacle simpler and easier.They take it as their responsibility because they involve in the decision making.As a family we always try to provide the best for one another.We don't put one in a no mans land.
Above is more valuable than money.The joy of your success and the pain while struggling are all shared together.As I'm very attached to my family especially my grand parents,being away is not too fun for me.My upbringing by a family man in my father,it is family matter the most.It kind of we were nothing without our eldest and that goes all the way to our ancestor.Unfortunately not many have the opportunity to feel and experience this.Some people think they are who they are because of they themselves.Nevertheless I'm not in place to say u're wrong but there are hidden truth behind every event unravel.
It is few minutes more to midnite and it is just time for me to go to sleep.May we meet again tomorrow.See you guys.