Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Foreword - this post will sound funny and may irritate or results in hatred but I'm trying to be honest.Honesty is the best policy.
Dear possible life partner/soulmate/wife
It is important to know that I currently have not settled down with my job.I'm still lurking around in the job market and will keep doing so until I meet with my match made in heaven.I hereby admit that I'm a firm believer of work-life balance and person-job fit.Believe me should I'm not happy with my work,I cant make people around me happy and it hurt most if I hurt the person I loved.
Second to that is I'm still learning.People may said that you can learn from experience but I do believe prior to committing to any relationship I should be mentally and physically prepare.To be mentally prepared,I'm doing a lot of reading on religious and also and other people biography to diversify and widen my perspective and in the mean time to strengthen my religious root.Physical will be life long coz health is wealth.
However should you believe in me and willing to wait,I'll try to come with a well planned future and well prepared me.I'll try to be a partner as what my father has been and will treat you as good as what my mom has received.I cant promise a wealthy life but I'll try to provide adequately everything u'll need.May My effort blessed by Allah and may we meet someday when I'm good enough for you.Insya-Allah.