Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Alhamdulillah today we continue our march towards the mid of the year.I'm grateful enough I get the opportunity to enjoy my days as a working people.Was it good?So and so.It is not always bright there are cause and effect.
Running away from my serial post "Random Entry" this will be a very short and brief post.Only to provide a point to wonder from a thing I recently realize.It is so recent that I dont even have a cup of coffee before writing the post.
Just now I see a front page of Harakah (if I'm not mistaken) with pics of the respectable Mr Rafizi of PKR unveiling the dark side of FGVH listing and other exploitation over the Bumi's by some parts of the ruling coalition.It is a good thing to get this news to the front and to have things explained.The rationale of the movement.
However during my way back I realize prior to emergence of PKR we only have DAP which mainly consist of Chinese and Indian while PAS of Muslims.Back then where it goes this whole lot of Malay professional whom now is speaking on the name of PKR?Why dont they support PAS from the beginning when they know there are
corruption,cronyism and exploitation by some personnels?Was there any issues why only now you come forward?
While I mean no harm no insulting,I just wondering.Was there any secret agenda should they being part of PAS they wont succeed?We should look into this aspect before bluntly show our support.If not banana's gonna fruit the second time
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Last night I watched the latest season of River Monster and Wade is trying to fish Kaluga Sturgeon.However he did not pursue it further after being told that it is illegal to fish it.Why it is illegal?Because it is over extracted by human for their caviar.
From time to time assisted by technology,man can't run from extorting thing.It can be anything from manpower to natural resources.Which have results in struggle to sustain the resources and fight against pollution.
To overcome over extortion over flora and fauna,authority and government usually take a drastic measure typically hefty sum of penalty and sometimes behind the bar.However this is not a sure success.In certain area where there is gang ruling,it most often goes beyond written rules.Other than corrupt portion of some personnels,it also due to the drive by black market.The amount of money in offering will drive people to get their hand dirty again.
As for fossil fuel the basic idea to recovery is by reducing consumption.Since that fossil fuel is used in various process to generate energy that used in our daily life and generate economy,reducing consumption kinda tricky.However there are always an option with potential savings.We have green construction and green building.As an example the use of underground heating to replace water heater.In some place we come across people that install solar panel to supplement the water heater.Fossil fuel for transportation is a market with demand rarely or never decrease.To reduce,provide less parking space and perhaps organization should looks forward to provide transport for their employee.Authority perhaps should impose some penalty for 4 wheel vehicle with less than 2 people in it.Sounds crazy but it may work in some way.
Anyway to further develop this issue,spontaneous writing at a Kopitiam does not look possible.I need reading,reading,reading and a lot of reading.Just now just a brief mumbling on our failure to have a safety measure to ensure sustainable future.Till we meet again.
Assalamualaikum and have a great day
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Following are pictures capture and edited for Monday.Locations are all around Rembau and evolve mainly about food and flora.
I can't found another 2 photos and so sorry about it.Till we meet again.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
It is almost a week I'm home and it is real deal for me despite forking out another few hundred buck for another ticket.By end of this month I'm around 80 days away from my 24th birthday which coincidentally somewhere in the 1st week of raya.
Since my secondary school time i'm on journey and till today I've not been staying near to my hometown.Years of searching and today I realize something.I got to understand the real means of family bond and love.
One thing I remembered the most from my interview with Petronas and Teach for Malaysia is the question about obstacle.The biggest obstacle I've faced was when I break up with my previous partner.Why it is hard?Because I face it all alone.I don't turn back to my family to get their support.Luckily I turn back to the Almighty to seek for His guidance.In general the influence and interference by my family in my life path has enable me to gain their support.They are open to listen and advise me.It makes overcoming obstacle simpler and easier.They take it as their responsibility because they involve in the decision making.As a family we always try to provide the best for one another.We don't put one in a no mans land.
Above is more valuable than money.The joy of your success and the pain while struggling are all shared together.As I'm very attached to my family especially my grand parents,being away is not too fun for me.My upbringing by a family man in my father,it is family matter the most.It kind of we were nothing without our eldest and that goes all the way to our ancestor.Unfortunately not many have the opportunity to feel and experience this.Some people think they are who they are because of they themselves.Nevertheless I'm not in place to say u're wrong but there are hidden truth behind every event unravel.
It is few minutes more to midnite and it is just time for me to go to sleep.May we meet again tomorrow.See you guys.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Since my arrival from west Malaysia last Thursday I've been struggling with the heat here.minor migrain yesterday and so far not much activities I've done except for harvesting fruits.In addition I also spent sometime yesterday at UKM 10's so lets enjoy what I've got in shop for you.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Alhamdulillah I safely arrived at my house last night after a shorter than expected flight from Kuching.There is slight turbulence while on the flight but everything is fine.
So in the flight I've had cheese baked rice as dinner with some cookies n 100plus.Since that I cant sleep I waste my time by folding the tissues like the one for the wedding.I believe the brother whom site the next isle to me feel weird watching me.
Anyway just forget it and enjoy the pics from yesterday
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
The 6th part of this series will evolve around the scene nearby to my project site for service reservoir and pipe works.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Hi guys I'm back for work day collection of pictures.Today weather is great with clear sky with no bright sunlight and patches of cloud in the sky.Enjoy
The writing above is just a simple explanation of the bad impact of cronyism.The thing is it doesnt matter whether it is current government or opposition lead the government.It is important to have a good administration practice.This will boost others to deliver the best in term of time and quality.Honesty is not limited to Muslim as what said by CM of Penang but everybody need to be honest.So lets pray for the best in term of changes in political scenario as we gear up to develop country
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
After almost a whole day at site yesterday,me n my housemates go to a gud dinner at Pizza Hut.As for today I go for a jog in the morning,spend sometime to browse through the crowd at Pasar Satok,a bit of shopping at Giant and spend the whole afternoon playing game n doing housechores.
Following is the summary of my weekend.Enjoice.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Dear readers,
Following are the shot taken at my existing project site which is at the Batang Sadong river in Serian.All pictures were touch up using Instagram n ArcFrame.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
The 2nd part of this serial post will be the show of my artistry touch using arcframe apps.So enjoice.
Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Foreword - this post will sound funny and may irritate or results in hatred but I'm trying to be honest.Honesty is the best policy.
Dear possible life partner/soulmate/wife
It is important to know that I currently have not settled down with my job.I'm still lurking around in the job market and will keep doing so until I meet with my match made in heaven.I hereby admit that I'm a firm believer of work-life balance and person-job fit.Believe me should I'm not happy with my work,I cant make people around me happy and it hurt most if I hurt the person I loved.
Second to that is I'm still learning.People may said that you can learn from experience but I do believe prior to committing to any relationship I should be mentally and physically prepare.To be mentally prepared,I'm doing a lot of reading on religious and also and other people biography to diversify and widen my perspective and in the mean time to strengthen my religious root.Physical will be life long coz health is wealth.
However should you believe in me and willing to wait,I'll try to come with a well planned future and well prepared me.I'll try to be a partner as what my father has been and will treat you as good as what my mom has received.I cant promise a wealthy life but I'll try to provide adequately everything u'll need.May My effort blessed by Allah and may we meet someday when I'm good enough for you.Insya-Allah.
From above brief writing on the origin perhaps can help to provide the answer of our curiosity.My point of view at this matter, I believe we were prohibited from celebrating because it is resembling of other religious celebration.As I'm a bit lazy to read on above mentioned celebrations so please read it further to answer your curiosity.In addition to that I also believe the current practice of spending a lot of money to celebrate the day also taken into account.
Mother has been part of our life all the time.We were nothing without them and it is our responsibility to always keep in touch and take care of them all the time.Money can't buy happiness but some people with wealth you can return the favor to your parents.It is up to you to decide whether they have made the wrong call or not.Final words, enjoy the following songs for mother.Till we meet again.