Blog betul-betul bersawang aku tinggalkan.Last post before raya and then I go into hiatus for almost a month.Semester da more than hlafway through.Ada around a week to get the result and print out the the poster.Somehow the best news available is scholar was bank-in by sponsor on Friday.What a great news to most of us.
Anyway duit scholar pun aku da gune tuk beli printer.Along with modification makan la couple of hundreds.Ready to print out the report and dissertation.Somehow none of it are yet to be finish.Budget for food already allocated and I left nothing for entertainment and some shopping during convo.Anyway none knows what's waiting at the convofair so let's time decide how to get some money.
So yesterday bangun pagi sebab nak kua Ipoh beli printer.Instead of mandi bukak email and Fb dlu.Bukak emel hati terus berbunga tapi bukan berbunga sebab ada bunga hantar emel neither aku nih mat bunga.Dapat emel called for Baker and Hughes assessment.Go through the whole name list, total dalam 1/3 dari the whole Jan06 rasenye.Sume field engineering pun ade.Tengok list sume pun mantap.Cam aku jer yang lemau.Tapi have a go.So ini first shot.PETRONAS pun tak value aku setinggi nih.
Anyway assessment tuh 6th October jadi tambah lagi satu priority in this week list to do selain test esok malam and fyp.Assignment PUS akan terabai.Anak tirikan PUS sebab kelas die mengkonpiuskan dan menekan jiwa dan perasaan.Of course aku belum study untuk test esok.Assignment OM pun tak copy lagi jawapan.Sume kita akan usahakan today.Untuk rakan-rakan se-Chemi sekalian selamat work hard tuk FYP.Semoga dapat masuk EDX sumenye.Akhir kata:
Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara