Weekend minggu ke 12 semester akhir.Alhamdulillah dah nak penghujung pengajian kat UTP.With a lot of uncertainty, to finish this program with some ease is something that will delight everyone.Berita baik pagi ini is scholar was ban-in to our account.Do spend and enjoy the money wisely.So today boleh la kua Ipoh, wayang sepam, makan kat McD/Kenny Rogers/Beger King/Pizza Hut or KFC.Tak maw fast food?Nasi lemak ayam golek ader, sea food restaurant kat Lumut pun banyak or just makan western kt V5.
Anyway aku dah 5 tahun kat UTP and yet aku tak faham kenapa ada pihak yang masih and perhaps tetap akan oppose certain things yang cuba government jalankan.Perhaps one of the occasion diorang oppose memang insulting tapi yet another one most of us, majority tak nampak lagi benefit that project.A 100 story mega structure was propose by PM in the budget recently and it does not make a week for people to make a page in FB stating they are against it.
Back then people opposing the built of KLCC and yet it prove to be a hit among tourist and it do bringing in some fresh looks to M'sia image to the world.I don't have the brain of Tun M but I do believe in his thinking.I do believe he have an outstanding capability to look into something and ventures the opportunity.He's a good leader.A great planner.He do believe that the RM 5 billion structure will help to improve our economy and so do I.Perhaps he can give some talk or write some post about this project.M'sians should see how it can affect M'sian economy.
Enough regarding to the project and talk about some people here.Few years back aku still ingat masa Tun M bagi talk and ada Q&A session ada senior tanya soalan yang aku rasa insulting.Aku tak sure mane facts tuh diorang amik tapi aku rasa fact tu ridiculous.For most of us yang born from early 1980's we grown up under quite and kind of harmony atmosphere under Tun as the PM.No turmoil or massacre.Be grateful.Somehow I think this perception, the mind set do absorb by other student nowadays. It is inflicting a close minded thinking on most of government idea and decision.
From my point of view we have a whole lot of issues to be discussed.A lot of moral and ethic issues.Learning Mathematics and Science in English.Stating several of it and praying that people should pay more attention on those issues.Until further clarification, the mega structure is something we should look after and not against it.Keep the nonsense activity with FB status and page.If you are a top notch economist or brainier your opinion might be worth thinking but you are not there yet.I'm not looking down but we almost at the same level.I keep my mind open and I do love to see M'sia move forward despite several backward decision for career sake.