Kabare my beloved readers?I hope all of you are in a pink of health.From 14th to 17th dekat UTP ada Pesta Konvo kali ke 10.Untuk aku nanti akan jadi kali ke 11.Kali ke 11 ditahun 2011.Masih style.Lagi style buat masa 11 November 2011.So UTP tolong pertimbangkan tarikh ini untuk kitorang.
Bile ada majlis keraian camnih mesti orang akan carik yang special.Second paragraph kita check it out with perkara yang best.Bare in minds this is from my taste.Also remind that fast food is not considered here.
1)Warung Hang Jerami
Yang best: - Chicken wings.Cukup syarat.Ada rase spicy and sweet.Not forgotten the smoky taste.Cost at RM1.50 a piece.Take 3 plus a cup of drink at RM5.Good bargain.
Boleh cuba: - Steamboat economy.Sos pedas die memang kaw.Yesterday aku makan aku suh tauke campur-campur sos and hasil memang berapi.Tahap berapi depend kuat mane korang makan cili.
2)Ice cream made from milk
Perisa best: - Vanilla with green tea and vanilla with chocolate.Highlight untuk gerai ini just aiskrim are made from milk.Confirm tak kene frost bite.Those who watch Family Outing korang akan perasan an episode breakfast diorang makan ice cream made from fresh milk that being battered.Memang physically nampak camtu.Cone will never get too soft coz tak banyak air.Even melted pun still very thick.Tak meleleh sangat.Just Nice.
Other than that ada spring potato cam kat nite market.Juga ada bihun sup and kue tiaw.Which is the best kue tiaw aku tak taw coz aku tak try either one.
Dalam event besar camnih will never get away from criticism.You got various concept from years to years and yet your concept might not looks to appealing to some people.However yet I want to congratulate them for their good intention.however a lot more for you to consider.Never make people look to dumb ass fool.Try another approach next year.I'll come with a good luck first.Anyway ini my critique after tonight session.
1)Master of ceremony
This time exclusively master sangat suck.Mister not so bad.Overall you should practice more.Really get to know VIP.Important sangat VIP tuh.Maybe kurang important kalo korang scholar PAMa or other scholar.Somehow still devastating.Script dalam Malay's language pun caca merba.So part nih revise la elok-elok.Selection pun pilih la lebey baek.
2)Sound system
Frust sikit time Zamani perform base terlalu kuat.Speaker tak arrange untuk produce more surround system.Arragement speaker similar to CH will not and never suit for entertainment.Whether it is music, movie or what soever.We should understand that only when the similar type of wave overlap then it will amplified the effect.Agak kecewa dengan kualiti kali ni.
3)Price agak ridongkeyleous
Makanan mahal.Itu jer.End of story.
4)Takde kayak or sukan air
Aku tak penah jadi komiti and yet aku taw susah nak handle things when it is at a various venue.Somehow kayaking memang prfitable untuk organizer.Located kat depan memang akan jadi tumpuan.So next year tolong jangan miss that thing.Dengan proper parking yang available and good weather you miss the chance to score some serious money.Hopefully next year ada kayak and other sukan air.At least tak pat naek dengan buah hati boleh aku naik sorang or dengan member.
So kita harap ada improvement ditahun depan.Untuk yang dah belanja sakan jimat cermat for another week.Harap-harap bapak angkat tak lupa bank in on time.Yang dah kerja and kaya raya, boleh sambung habiskan duit lagi esok.Untuk fan Hattan please karok and hafal lirik secukupnya malam nih.All da best untuk yang ada seribu satu kerja menanti.