Study week is always unfavorable for study.I think most of us prefer to sleep and have some fun rather than looking at the black and white lecture notes.For some people study week also being their busiest week and due to that they tend to take more and more junk food or instant food.Anyway both food is not favorable for a good brain development.Besides it also lack of nutrition for our body.Let see what I had to day and whether it is good for health or not.
Breakfast : Nil (woke up almost need to break fast because it's already late.)
Lunch : Rice + Chicken + Spinach (almost perfect but there's no fruit.however large amount of rice might turn it into unhealthy)
Tea : A couple slice of bread with kaya
Dinner : 4 slices of bread with kaya and a cup of coffee (not so good but save in budget)
Supper : Mamee Kari Kapitan Sempoi (totally unhealthy but it is should try it or you will miss the pleasure of the soup)
How was it?Were it healthy or not?

8 comments to “sihatkah anda???”
May 10, 2009 at 1:39 PMmamee kari kapitan ni mane maw dpt??mcm bes jee...heeeee..ko msk eh dobi??hulo spnggan~
May 10, 2009 at 6:29 PMgile comel layout blog!!
May 10, 2009 at 7:37 PMkopi - bole gkla.tapi tuh sure esok bgun lmbt lgik
mIoU - kt koop v5 ader.kt lua xjumpe lgik.try dowh.ayam sensasi pun sedap
sue - nih la layout terbaek utk mase nih.maybe kartun2 laen akn mnyusul kmudian
May 11, 2009 at 1:02 AMngeeeeeeeee..aku igt kan mapley marik~
baek..aku cube esok kalo x arini~
May 11, 2009 at 1:53 AMsile2
nnt promote kt org laen
tp xder komisen
Suraya I.
May 15, 2009 at 2:16 PMni cm mknn nak save bajet je nh..s
May 15, 2009 at 2:26 PMkos mmg agk rendh
tpi ader la trade-off
kesihtan kurgla
May 10, 2009 at 12:01 AM
aku plak no breakfast, dinner nasi lauk ayam goreng dgn kacang panjang, no tea, no dinner, supper cheese nan kat ameeth..sihatkah aku? wahaha