
Less than an hour before my 1st paper will begin.I'm not gonna talk too much in this post but just a little talking bout 3 different things.Blog,blogger and pembaca blog.Three different components yang contribute too growth of blog-ing phenomena around the world.A blog won't be famous without the readers.Blogs offers wide range of information and entertainment,from rumours up to personal issues.However lately there's a huge conflict between this three components.

Blog is either personally owned or belong to certain group of people.Personal blog is what most of my friends have while rarely we write a group's blog.Blog is written by writer on their own will to coup with current issue,fulfill either the reader or their own need,write for the truth or just for fun.Sometimes blog content might be too personal or offensive than they make it private.Blog with unpleasing content might also have a warning page before you enter the blog.Blog content is the one that will determine the popularity of the blog.Blog by RPK attract a lot of readers because its content circulating on hot political issues.A few of my friends blog is popular because they wrote about teenage life.Here we can see the range of blog that we have in the world.

Blogger is the owner and write of a certain blog.The content of a blog is decided by the blogger.A blogger can write on whatever they like.From pleasing thing to offensive issue.It's up to them what to be publish in their blog.However the vigorous the topic the faster you'll be hit by it.Somehow for-fun-blogger rarely try to do offensive things nor hurting others.We speak out our mind's,look to other opinion and solve the curiosity playing in our mind.Some blogger make it private for others to view their blog unless invited because it is personal.This will help to keep the privacy.We can conclude that a blogger is the most powerful person on its blog.They can write off any post,publish another,block any person from view it and so many things.Blogger will decide on what intention does they write a post.Even though they're powerful but they still need to remain within a certain limit or else you will face the music.

Reader.The third part in blog after host and writer.A good blog will attract a lot of readers.In addition to that readers also decide how's a post will develop and spread.A good topic to be discuss will be widespread and read by a lot of people.As I stated before some people do write blog because of their curiosity about something and they're looking from co-operative readers to help them find the answer.Somehow they're also unpleasing readers.Readers who can't obey all the reminder and so on left by the blogger.What can I say is they don't respect the owner.Blogger like me and some other friends who are a blogging for fun did not write because of any intention.We wrote for fun and for readers but sometimes its the readers who take off the mood.I read in one of my friends blog where one of the reader keep talking rubbish.Reader can left a comment, a good critique but not any hatred on the post.Beside some readers who are 'gelut' also bring things to real life.Damn blog is blog and don't make it reality.What happen in virtual stay in virtual world (macam what happen in vegas stay in vegas).What a blogger expect from a reader is support their post and gives a good critique.We aren't expecting any enemy.

Blog,blogger and reader are inter-related between each other.People read blog to find the truth or discuss on any issue.Blogger write because they like it and for readers satisfaction.Blog providing a place where blogger can speak out their mind on anything.However each party need to respect each other.Blogger need to respect blog host and not posting anything bad nor trying to destroy the host.Reader read and help the blogger to progress and not to bring unnecessary things out from the blog.Blogger need to respect others because blogger is also a human.

*no offense guys

date Monday, May 18, 2009

11 comments to “blog,blogger dan pembaca blog”

  1. Suraya I.
    May 18, 2009 at 1:55 PM

    totally agree ngan sume opinion~

  1. Unknown
    May 18, 2009 at 5:46 PM

    aku menulis menyapot rakan
    ader reader yg mmbawa isu sensitif keluar
    that suppose doesn't happen

  1. ammar
    May 18, 2009 at 5:49 PM

    layout baru..
    mane pergi doraemon?

  1. Unknown
    May 19, 2009 at 1:34 AM

    masih mengekalkan tema watak kartun
    doraemon pergi sementara
    debut seterusnya bergantung kepada availability of other theme

  1. Anonymous
    May 19, 2009 at 1:37 AM

    erm...btol gak apa yg encik cuba sampaikan ni...

    tapi bagi aku, apa2 cerita yg si penulis nak tulis sekalipun, kena consider all factors gak la...n also effect kt org itu x bermakna penulis x bebas nk menulis...cuma kena hati2 je la...jgn smpi ada pihak yg sentap... (ni berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri)

    (ak tertarik ngan tips tulis blog oleh sam tu...check kt blog dier kalau ada sapa2 nk tau..)

    p/s: paper eng econs mcm mana? ~nanges...

  1. Unknown
    May 19, 2009 at 7:08 AM

    mmg ad barier kene consider
    tpi things shouldn't being taken outside this virtual world i think
    klo sume nk wt cmtuh,sume blogger leh kene thn polis
    al tlis skit abis stu M'sia taw

  1. Anonymous
    May 19, 2009 at 7:17 PM

    that's why...

    kalau btol2 jd mcm tu...kebebasan bersuara akan jadi hampir2 xde la...

    (ak guna "hampir2" sebab kita masih boleh bercakap kn?? even guna bahasa isyarat sekalipun...)

  1. Unknown
    May 19, 2009 at 7:52 PM

    phm pn.... pembca gelut nih kene dobanteras
    virtual world rarely tell the truth
    xkn tuh ssh nk phm

  1. Encik Jurassic
    May 20, 2009 at 2:44 AM

    a gud post bro.
    i'm sure,this is dedicated to those who dunno what blogging world is all about.
    n thanks too~

  1. Unknown
    May 20, 2009 at 3:09 AM

    xder hal bro
    ak pun xmaw in the future mende nih akan effect rmai org
    nnt org sume tgk blogger pelik

  1. Anonymous
    January 21, 2010 at 9:54 AM


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