Kabare?Waras?So this morning I watched Hot On Two.They invite organizers for MCKK's Premier 7 due this weekend.One of the host ask the difference between rugby and American football as they claimed Malaysian are given more exposure to the latter compared to rugby.I do believe it is an understatement.As a part of British colonial, rugby came long time ago.Perhaps the host himself previously studying in America.In this post I'll try to explain briefly the differences.
1)The team
American Football - team is divided into two, offense and defense.
Rugby - there are two premiere classes, 7's and 15's.Each team have 2 units, forward and back line.Here in Malaysia also have 10's as another class.Apart from union rugby, there also rugby league.
2)The ball
American football - ball size is 3 if I'm not mistaken with some threaded outer layer.
Rugby - size 5 ball with parts with grip.
3)The clothing
American football - equip with a host of protective equipments such as helmet, shoulder pad etc.
Rugby - alongside jersey we have boots, mouth guard, shoulder pad and head gear. The boot is similar to football boot except they usually have only 8 studs.The cuts is different according to unit you're playing.
4)The field
American football - the goal post is more or less is in 'Y' shape.It has line with yard's label and touchdown line I guess.
Rugby - goal post has the 'H' shape.A lot of line marking for territories and dead ball.
5)The play
American football - Players need to protect the quarter back and ball carrier by blocking or tackling the opposition.Objective to gain territories/touchdown.Ball can be thrown forward.Points earn through goal kick and touchdown.Coaches allowed to ask for time out (I think)
Rugby - objective protecting the ball to remain in our possession.Opponents will tackle the ball carrier to prevent any gain of area.Ball gonna out will be started through line-out.Infringement will be penalize with penalty.Knock-on/fumble will be begin with scrum.Points gained by drop goal, try and penalty kick.Game divided into 2 halves.
To explain in details will be hard as I've never played American football.Rugby in the mean time has lot of line on the field to be named and several different infringement situation.Even though rugby regarded as a gentleman games, it rarely capture people of attention because the players rarely feature in advertisement and so on.The monopoly of America's in media helped to promote their favorite sport.However we shouldn't confuse rugby union with rugby league and Australia football.