For the last few days, media tak pernah lekang dengan news and updates on the crisis at middle east countries (sorry if I'm wrong).It start at Tunisia and now Egypt is also on fire.Alhamdulillah that is a sign that people there ada kesedaran,realize that they had been left behind.They want a revolution in the government.They want development.A hijrah from failure to success.Move forward.Insya-ALLAH, their wish will be granted.
However, rusuhan untuk menggulingkan their leader in Egypt ain't easy as Tunisia.Hosni is really stubborn man.Civilians ask for change and he remove the Internal Affairs Minister.At this point of time, I'm sure people of Egypt, badly want his head.It is rumored that his family already flew to oversea for security reason.Somehow a leader that led to failure of a nation live longer than his opposition.What a pity but it is a reality.
Protest somehow there now turn ugly.Prisoners were escaping and result in chaos with a lot of security concern not only for people there but also for families in our country with the family member(s) living there.First of all lets pray for their safety.Dengan niat untuk belajar,semoga ALLAH melindungi mereka.Berdoa jugak the security level not gonna turn to Code Red anytime soon.Otherwise evacuating them might be a little bit hard as armed force will take over the administration.Khabar-khabar anging yang aku dengar somehow do make me think positive as it is said that those with Malaysian passport are not gonna have problem to pass the armed force security check.
Kerajaan negara kita dah buat statement untuk evacuate rakyat Malaysia at Egypt and representatives dah pun dihantar.In the mean time khabarnya students, those yang bawah MARA already being transported to neighboring country.Tahniah untuk MARA untuk tindakan pantas.Used to be sponsored for my tertiary education, sponsor does to their best for the assets they are investing in.Remaining yang self sponsored or sponsored by organizations such as Baitulmal and etc, you'll be safe by the government.It is just in a matter of time.
Insiden yang berlaku kat sana buat aku realize a few things.First kita patut grateful dengan kemajuan yang ada,kemajuan yang dibawakan oleh kerajaan.It is said a third of Egyptian adalah buta huruf while here, those yang dapat pendidikan adalah buta huruf sebab malas.Despite some setback from our previous leader, we still manage to develop potential field in the economic sector that led to a lot of job vacancies.With latest ETP, a lot more coming.As long as we work hard and not being to choosy, the job is there so do the money.
Keadaan camnih aku dapat gak tengok orang-orang yang instead of being grateful aree suggesting that government are not doing the best for the people.Dari point of view aku, the help came in late because they are evaluating the situation.With large amount of student there, evacuation is not an easy task.Furthermore they are not yet in their long break.There are few scenario under consideration before government decide take the action.Perhaps people whom had been fed with uninspiring accusation from the opposition, will remain keep on pointing fingers at the government rather than rationalizing their action.
Aku pun ada cousing kat sane.True bukan anak aku tapi they are part of my family.My friends also have their family there.None want to see they get hurt or being hurt.Semoga mereka selamat berpindah or pulang ke Malaysia.Somehow aku masih dissapointed dengan Malaysian yang tidak menilai dari pelbagai aspek.Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.