hey ho rakan-rakan,
Assalamualaikum kepada anda semua dan selamat sejahtera,
Lately jadi extra aktif for some reason.Most probably dengan aktiviti perjalanan berkos rendah mencari kerja sambil sharing is caring the experience.Anyway streamyx kat rumah kiok and aku currently sitting at KFC Aeon Seremban 2 tuk main wireless diorang.Before wasting my time here,aku tengok The Mechanic.Obvious setback cerita tuh takde heroin.Paling cun available is Jason Statham@Arthur Bishop punya one night stand.Siap bagi chihuahua (klo betol name hanjing tuh).
Yesterday aku undergo amazing aptitude test at Maersk and unique interview at Puncak Niaga.Since Maersk just an assessment aku share experience with Maersk dulu.I'm applyin for Maersk Graduate Program.Common for large company with long history and various field of business to have aptitude test.Then they can measure your ability to learn and capacity to be shifted to department that is out of your expertise.So test ada 50 soalan,mix between analytical and logical for 12 minutes.To finish all the questions you need to solve each question within 14.4 seconds.Untuk a normal brain,you can answer more than halves.Lagi 2-3 weeks baru dapat jawapan.Anyway PIC die agak cun.Still young.Pkai skirt pendek siap dengan ribbon kat pinggang.Conclusion tak berapa kecewa sangat even though xpat jawab abes.
Petang interbiu at PNSB.Puncak Niaga not solely involved in watre treatment related things but also ade oil and gas division.Aku agak amaze dengan fact itu.Never thought they are that great.Interview aku tak lame.Key point are you willing to travel or not.They kinda need people for a project at sarawak.Your language proficiency score is justified by your writing.They ask us to write on a different topic for Malay and English language.While they browse through sijil aku boleh keluar soalan kenapa tak amik medic.Ape engineering tak sesuai ke untuk good student.Other thing diorang tanye Bongek nih tanah rancangan ke.Dedem.Underestimate Bongek betol.Luckily aku tak jawab metropolitan or megalopolis.However aku agak kalut for the first 5 minutes.Doakan aku dapat position tuh.Susa sangat nak dapat keje dekat dengan Bongek so meh le jalan-jalan,alang kepalang nak travel.
Anyway mesti anda semua sudah gatal bontot nak dapat duit snirik.Semoga murah rezeki sekali lagi aku ucapkan.Nanti if ada pengalaman menarik masa interview story the mory okeh.Senang nak mentally prepared.For those who were being to selective, stop doing that and just apply for position that you can meet requirements.It can be universities research officer, any industries graduate program/training or many others.So good luck once again.Buhbye