Weekend minggu ke 12 semester akhir.Alhamdulillah dah nak penghujung pengajian kat UTP.With a lot of uncertainty, to finish this program with some ease is something that will delight everyone.Berita baik pagi ini is scholar was ban-in to our account.Do spend and enjoy the money wisely.So today boleh la kua Ipoh, wayang sepam, makan kat McD/Kenny Rogers/Beger King/Pizza Hut or KFC.Tak maw fast food?Nasi lemak ayam golek ader, sea food restaurant kat Lumut pun banyak or just makan western kt V5.
Anyway aku dah 5 tahun kat UTP and yet aku tak faham kenapa ada pihak yang masih and perhaps tetap akan oppose certain things yang cuba government jalankan.Perhaps one of the occasion diorang oppose memang insulting tapi yet another one most of us, majority tak nampak lagi benefit that project.A 100 story mega structure was propose by PM in the budget recently and it does not make a week for people to make a page in FB stating they are against it.
Back then people opposing the built of KLCC and yet it prove to be a hit among tourist and it do bringing in some fresh looks to M'sia image to the world.I don't have the brain of Tun M but I do believe in his thinking.I do believe he have an outstanding capability to look into something and ventures the opportunity.He's a good leader.A great planner.He do believe that the RM 5 billion structure will help to improve our economy and so do I.Perhaps he can give some talk or write some post about this project.M'sians should see how it can affect M'sian economy.
Enough regarding to the project and talk about some people here.Few years back aku still ingat masa Tun M bagi talk and ada Q&A session ada senior tanya soalan yang aku rasa insulting.Aku tak sure mane facts tuh diorang amik tapi aku rasa fact tu ridiculous.For most of us yang born from early 1980's we grown up under quite and kind of harmony atmosphere under Tun as the PM.No turmoil or massacre.Be grateful.Somehow I think this perception, the mind set do absorb by other student nowadays. It is inflicting a close minded thinking on most of government idea and decision.
From my point of view we have a whole lot of issues to be discussed.A lot of moral and ethic issues.Learning Mathematics and Science in English.Stating several of it and praying that people should pay more attention on those issues.Until further clarification, the mega structure is something we should look after and not against it.Keep the nonsense activity with FB status and page.If you are a top notch economist or brainier your opinion might be worth thinking but you are not there yet.I'm not looking down but we almost at the same level.I keep my mind open and I do love to see M'sia move forward despite several backward decision for career sake.
Kabare my beloved readers?I hope all of you are in a pink of health.From 14th to 17th dekat UTP ada Pesta Konvo kali ke 10.Untuk aku nanti akan jadi kali ke 11.Kali ke 11 ditahun 2011.Masih style.Lagi style buat masa 11 November 2011.So UTP tolong pertimbangkan tarikh ini untuk kitorang.
Bile ada majlis keraian camnih mesti orang akan carik yang special.Second paragraph kita check it out with perkara yang best.Bare in minds this is from my taste.Also remind that fast food is not considered here.
1)Warung Hang Jerami
Yang best: - Chicken wings.Cukup syarat.Ada rase spicy and sweet.Not forgotten the smoky taste.Cost at RM1.50 a piece.Take 3 plus a cup of drink at RM5.Good bargain.
Boleh cuba: - Steamboat economy.Sos pedas die memang kaw.Yesterday aku makan aku suh tauke campur-campur sos and hasil memang berapi.Tahap berapi depend kuat mane korang makan cili.
2)Ice cream made from milk
Perisa best: - Vanilla with green tea and vanilla with chocolate.Highlight untuk gerai ini just aiskrim are made from milk.Confirm tak kene frost bite.Those who watch Family Outing korang akan perasan an episode breakfast diorang makan ice cream made from fresh milk that being battered.Memang physically nampak camtu.Cone will never get too soft coz tak banyak air.Even melted pun still very thick.Tak meleleh sangat.Just Nice.
Other than that ada spring potato cam kat nite market.Juga ada bihun sup and kue tiaw.Which is the best kue tiaw aku tak taw coz aku tak try either one.
Dalam event besar camnih will never get away from criticism.You got various concept from years to years and yet your concept might not looks to appealing to some people.However yet I want to congratulate them for their good intention.however a lot more for you to consider.Never make people look to dumb ass fool.Try another approach next year.I'll come with a good luck first.Anyway ini my critique after tonight session.
1)Master of ceremony
This time exclusively master sangat suck.Mister not so bad.Overall you should practice more.Really get to know VIP.Important sangat VIP tuh.Maybe kurang important kalo korang scholar PAMa or other scholar.Somehow still devastating.Script dalam Malay's language pun caca merba.So part nih revise la elok-elok.Selection pun pilih la lebey baek.
2)Sound system
Frust sikit time Zamani perform base terlalu kuat.Speaker tak arrange untuk produce more surround system.Arragement speaker similar to CH will not and never suit for entertainment.Whether it is music, movie or what soever.We should understand that only when the similar type of wave overlap then it will amplified the effect.Agak kecewa dengan kualiti kali ni.
3)Price agak ridongkeyleous
Makanan mahal.Itu jer.End of story.
4)Takde kayak or sukan air
Aku tak penah jadi komiti and yet aku taw susah nak handle things when it is at a various venue.Somehow kayaking memang prfitable untuk organizer.Located kat depan memang akan jadi tumpuan.So next year tolong jangan miss that thing.Dengan proper parking yang available and good weather you miss the chance to score some serious money.Hopefully next year ada kayak and other sukan air.At least tak pat naek dengan buah hati boleh aku naik sorang or dengan member.
So kita harap ada improvement ditahun depan.Untuk yang dah belanja sakan jimat cermat for another week.Harap-harap bapak angkat tak lupa bank in on time.Yang dah kerja and kaya raya, boleh sambung habiskan duit lagi esok.Untuk fan Hattan please karok and hafal lirik secukupnya malam nih.All da best untuk yang ada seribu satu kerja menanti.
Recently we were shocked with the massacre from accident at the North South Expressway.Walk down the decade we still can found various cases related to express buses.They aren't just hitting the barrier or colliding to each other but in the same time threaten and harm the other road users.Once, to take a ride on a bus also give me a chill.It made me think twice whether to ride a bus or go for other public transport.Since that I do not posses a vehicle,bus still provide the widest coverage of destination with sometimes not so reasonable price and irrelevant departure and arrival time.
My last long trip with a bus was to Kedah more than a year back.Today I only willing to travel by express bus either by Mara Liner or Transnasional. ^ years back I do travel using buses under Cepat Ekspress and Sutera.Somehow I often found that my trip that should me 8 hours or more to be cut short to 4 or maximum 6 hours.With an hour spend at unofficial RnR stop the trip should not be that short.However at night they were the king of the road.None of the law enforcer were there from midnight to early morning.
As far as I concern my company of choice do obey to regulation of using two drivers for long distance trip.A single drive might not make it if they need to travel triple times a day with a space of 4-6 hours.People always talked about the stories driver taking all this illegal substance to keep on driving all night long.However they aren't the one should be blame.They were trying to keep up with this demanding living cost.Their pay check doesn't allow them to took too much time away or else they might find themselves being pinned by some parties of money lenders for the sake of their family.
Still need some parties to be blame then we have two options.The governing body and the company itself.There's sticker at each heavy vehicle regarding to the speed limit and yet they aren't always restricted by the law.Why this is happen?First it is the attitude of the driver and second there is less law enforcer on the road ready to hit the company hard.Often being hit was the driver.Governing body should spend more time on the road, regular monitor on driver condition and how they were driving.Hit hard the company for their negligence.Black box are useless and yet the company will keep on running their services because the driver will be blame.
Pointing finger to the company is the other option.What they had done wrong?First they might not scheduling 2 driver for the trip that deserve two.Seconds they aren't monitoring their driver very well in term of attitude on the road while driving.Third they are less concern regarding to their driver health conditions whether they are fit enough to make the trip.People who often travelling by bus will find that drivers usually a heavy smoker.After years making the trip is it possible they were still in the same condition with rarely sufficient amount of rest.I don't think so.They are facing possibility of various health problem as a result of excessive smoking and inconsistent rest.It should be a must for the driver to take regular health check to ensure they are in a pink of health.
Annually, accident involving buses are taking more than dozen of lives in Malaysia alone.With all the attitude and enforcement of law issues, the number might be on a rise year after year from today.Significant improvement required from the responsible parties in order to ensure that it does not reach a point where people lost the confidence in public transport.we were losing a lot of human capital in each lives that is taken from the incident.Hope the inquiry for the latest cases will come out as a led to a better future in public transport industry.
Blog betul-betul bersawang aku tinggalkan.Last post before raya and then I go into hiatus for almost a month.Semester da more than hlafway through.Ada around a week to get the result and print out the the poster.Somehow the best news available is scholar was bank-in by sponsor on Friday.What a great news to most of us.
Anyway duit scholar pun aku da gune tuk beli printer.Along with modification makan la couple of hundreds.Ready to print out the report and dissertation.Somehow none of it are yet to be finish.Budget for food already allocated and I left nothing for entertainment and some shopping during convo.Anyway none knows what's waiting at the convofair so let's time decide how to get some money.
So yesterday bangun pagi sebab nak kua Ipoh beli printer.Instead of mandi bukak email and Fb dlu.Bukak emel hati terus berbunga tapi bukan berbunga sebab ada bunga hantar emel neither aku nih mat bunga.Dapat emel called for Baker and Hughes assessment.Go through the whole name list, total dalam 1/3 dari the whole Jan06 rasenye.Sume field engineering pun ade.Tengok list sume pun mantap.Cam aku jer yang lemau.Tapi have a go.So ini first shot.PETRONAS pun tak value aku setinggi nih.
Anyway assessment tuh 6th October jadi tambah lagi satu priority in this week list to do selain test esok malam and fyp.Assignment PUS akan terabai.Anak tirikan PUS sebab kelas die mengkonpiuskan dan menekan jiwa dan perasaan.Of course aku belum study untuk test esok.Assignment OM pun tak copy lagi jawapan.Sume kita akan usahakan today.Untuk rakan-rakan se-Chemi sekalian selamat work hard tuk FYP.Semoga dapat masuk EDX sumenye.Akhir kata: