Salam and good morning

I'm pretty sure last nite ramai yang left the book for a while.A relief perhaps dari the ridiculous M'sian studies.Anyway semalam aku heard kat radio it will be 90 days maternity leave for mothers in Kelantan.I'm grateful on behalf of women because the governing parties are showing more concern and appreciation on women.However in someway it makes me wonder does this do a favor for a women in term of job market with regard to gender.

History does showed that previously people do refuse to take women do to this reason.Not to mention that Singapore government offering a year leave but the whole country are under family control.The loss of work force are not that significant over a period of time.Living under capitalist economy system would for sure we can see significant impact on productivity.Higher workload will be held by their colleague or else employers need to seek temporary replacement that might be less skillful or far more expensive.

I'm not sure whether the government had ever make a proper survey on those who work in an administration.School principle, government officers and many other sector which dominated by women nowadays.It's something we can neglect that sector such as education is dominated by women and long leave will 100% give extra headache to person in charge of the schedule.Replacing another teacher might not be a problem but the question that will arise is whether it offer the same quality and skill or it will kill the subject it self.I had see previously in a school where at one time 3 to 4 teachers are on maternity leave at a time.For 60 days it was a huge problem then how will it be for 90 days?

Anyway I'm not selective on gender or biased on men.Both gender have their own advantage and disadvantage.Neither of the gender is perfect.Just now I only reflect on one sector which is education.The effect is more severe in nursing industry where the staff largely built of women.Production lines also might be affected but those who loves to do overtime will love it.Still it is unfavorable on the management point of view.Since I'm not grown nor live in Kelantan, so it is not appropriate to reflect and comment on the state economy sector.Maybe most of people there is working on their own which is whether small industries or business.The productivity of this people would really affecting the people around them.Anyway this issue is something interesting to wait and see the response from the federal governing alliance.Perhaps through study and survey were made from management point of view and not only on to win the votes.

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal

date Thursday, May 20, 2010

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