
actually susah nak produce this post
tapi aku tak taw mane nak muntahkan mende nih
aku xsure whether btol ke tak decision aku
tapi aper yang nak tulis is something yang i'm very confident and sure
however this can end up as playing game with my heart

susah la nak luah,
siyesly amat susah,
siyesly akan jadi amat kesal kalau salah luah,
lagi kesal klo jadi salah faham,

kata orang,
ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak (nih pun aku tak sure betol ke salah),

date Monday, May 31, 2010


Esok last paper untuk sem ke 7 degree aku kat UTP.It does not include 2 semester for foundation.First and 2nd draft of the schedule put Cultural Anthropology as the last paper but somehow it had been bring forward so Human Resource Management will be the last.Hopefully this will be a great help for future undertaking as if I'm gonna be a leader.

Anyway as human kita tak boleh lari dari merenung.Kita renung hari semalam untuk amik iktibar dan ubah hari ini dan masa depan.Kita renung hari ini untuk improve masa depan.Kita merenung masa depan untuk meneka apa jalan yang kita pilih dan plan yang terbaik.Merenung masa depan pun bagus untuk bermimpi dan bercita-cita.Bukan kena jel pun.Kita bukan nak wat crime dengan wondering.However masa depan pun akan jadi masa lepas if we were still breathing.

Somehow itu aku goreng jer pasal merenung or maybe define as menung.Tapi aku prefer wondering.pronouncation diw bunyi lagi sedap and it does not look to bad.Anyway buang-buang masa ini aku wondering about a lot of thing.

1st of all ->
Apa akan jadi kalau aku gagal masuk UTP 4 tahun setengah yang lalu?
mungkin aku amik kawan-kawan len like Cikgu Abon,Sir Zack
mungkin amik pharmacy macam adik aku......tapi memorizing bukan field aku
the most pun 2 kemungkinan tuh jer.tapi jadi cikgu masih within tuh angan-angan jer la.bukak kilang ubat mungkin boleh dengan adik aku.

2nd ->
Apa akan jadi kat aku kalo aku tak maen cintan-cintun 3 tahun yang lepas?
Yang ini aku pun xsure.Sebab satu lagi jawapan maen rugby la.Banyak yang aku sacrifice.Tapi first and foremost itu banyak mengajar aku untuk hidup.Tapi still banyak impak-impak yang tak wajar.Impak maksima pun tak camnih.Anyway mende nih just menyerlahkan kelemahan aku.

3rd ->
Apa jadi kalau aku tak pilih tajuk FYP aku sekarang?
yang for sure Siti Sahirah la yang akan dapat tajuk ni aku rasa.Tapi aku pun tak taw apa option lain yang ada sebab aku ingat FYP nih untuk lepak-lepak makan angin jer

A lot more to be wondered.However malam dah semakin lewat n mata semakin ni memang useless tapi saje nak bagi sempit2 kat da best untuk yang masih belum grad.nex sem kite grad okeh.yang nak tanam anggur go ahead.nak tanam cili cari duit pun bole.

date Thursday, May 27, 2010

Salam guys,

A couple of days left before I put this semester to and end.It does not matter how it end as long as it ends.So a few days back a fren of mine show his frustration on many things with regard to present cafeteria workers.On my behalf, I could not agree more.It was not because I'm prejudice but they do act that led to hatred from my point of view.It's been a while since the last time I bought a complete meal there.The last time I ate there with my friends, 4 of us receive different sizes of meal with the same price.At that point of time the service is very bad.

Anyway from my palace here I can observe the workers loitering around as if there's no work.They smoke around the cafeteria.They make noise at night.Driving carelessly.The service is bad.They put their act at end once they finish cheating the management.The cafeteria is now worse than previously.The food is not that good.I guess most of us have no other choice.Despite early movement try to boycott them, nothing left now.For months I've been cooking dinner on my own and having lunch either at V3 or V4.Luckily there's better place than the one next to my block.The scenario is the same with politic in our country today.Government officer are suffering because of the higher order foolish decision.None try to be honest in making decision.It is just for the sake of winning election and pocketing a lot of money out of anywhere.

Anyway I'm not gonna talk bout politic.What I belief here is those workers should be sent to proper ethical courses.Some kind of courses regarding to ethic as a food service provider.They aren't that serious working.More or less they are representing the decline of young Malays with vision.They should also be ethical on the road.The parking area are not made for them to have fun or to show their skills.Go to hell with you fool.You aren't smart enough to take any gem out of here.flirting around aren't your specialization after all.I think this will turn emotional if I keep on writing.After all I think once again we should launch a boycott.Throw them out of the cafeteria.

date Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Salam and good morning

I'm pretty sure last nite ramai yang left the book for a while.A relief perhaps dari the ridiculous M'sian studies.Anyway semalam aku heard kat radio it will be 90 days maternity leave for mothers in Kelantan.I'm grateful on behalf of women because the governing parties are showing more concern and appreciation on women.However in someway it makes me wonder does this do a favor for a women in term of job market with regard to gender.

History does showed that previously people do refuse to take women do to this reason.Not to mention that Singapore government offering a year leave but the whole country are under family control.The loss of work force are not that significant over a period of time.Living under capitalist economy system would for sure we can see significant impact on productivity.Higher workload will be held by their colleague or else employers need to seek temporary replacement that might be less skillful or far more expensive.

I'm not sure whether the government had ever make a proper survey on those who work in an administration.School principle, government officers and many other sector which dominated by women nowadays.It's something we can neglect that sector such as education is dominated by women and long leave will 100% give extra headache to person in charge of the schedule.Replacing another teacher might not be a problem but the question that will arise is whether it offer the same quality and skill or it will kill the subject it self.I had see previously in a school where at one time 3 to 4 teachers are on maternity leave at a time.For 60 days it was a huge problem then how will it be for 90 days?

Anyway I'm not selective on gender or biased on men.Both gender have their own advantage and disadvantage.Neither of the gender is perfect.Just now I only reflect on one sector which is education.The effect is more severe in nursing industry where the staff largely built of women.Production lines also might be affected but those who loves to do overtime will love it.Still it is unfavorable on the management point of view.Since I'm not grown nor live in Kelantan, so it is not appropriate to reflect and comment on the state economy sector.Maybe most of people there is working on their own which is whether small industries or business.The productivity of this people would really affecting the people around them.Anyway this issue is something interesting to wait and see the response from the federal governing alliance.Perhaps through study and survey were made from management point of view and not only on to win the votes.

Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal

date Thursday, May 20, 2010

Salam and good day

Today 16th of May is Hari Guru tapi since da masuk higher learning institute tak dapat celebrate.a decade ago bila hari guru sibuk beli adiah tuk primary school teachers.duit sendiri tak ader so paw duit mak abah.diorang pun sapot jer since diorang pun cikgu.aku rasa itu pun one of a ways cara diorang express gratitude untuk cikgu-cikgu yang ajar dan jaga kitorang 4 beradik.Mak abah pun cikgu for lifetime untuk kita semua.guidance diorang bagi memang tak dapat nak count even though some of our parents aren't working in teaching profession.

Aku pun agak hepi bukan sebab esok 1st paper kat test room tapi followers aku bertambah sorang.Aku lom sempat nak usha sapa tapi aku rse syok.Furthermore blog aku banyak keje maki hamun and kritik.Aku tak cita pasal artis or movie.Sometimes aku cover on novel yang aku baca.Camnepun tanx sebab follow blog aku okeyh.If got free times left comment.Maybe we can discuss the topic further.

Berbalik kepada hari guru tadi meh ler diskusi kite menjurus kepada profession perguruan.Aku suke describe guru or cikgu as unsung hero.Rarely kite tengok so called top students yang keluar kat tv nak ucap terima kasih kat cikgu.semua bajet pandai atas effort diorang.That's the thing parents aku selalu ingatkan.Dapat jer results first thing ucap thank you kat cikgu.Sukses or not tuh salah kita.So memang common la kan orang berbelas A tuh duk cita jadual belajar, pemakanan dan segala macam faktor.Tak kurang dengan aspek-aspek agama yang memang aku tak nafi main peranan gak.

Cikgu mangsa keadaan.Institusi pendidikan pun mangsa gak.Mangsa kepada sapa?Ahli politik yang pendek akal dan tak berpandangan jauh macam Tun M.Juga patut disalahkan ibu bapa yang manjakan anak-anak dan tak boleh nak accept hakikat diorang gagal guide anak diorang dengan baik.However this statement doesn't means I'll be a god parent in the future.The approach use by my parents might not suite the needs in the future.Anyway parents aku both cikgu so memang aku tak banyak skit pun dapat anticipate pressure and responsibility dari janji-janji para dungu di pentadbiran.

So banyak sangat actually dasar ahli politik dikementerian pendidikan yang jelasnya bukan seorang guru yang menekan guru-guru.Soon bila diorang try implement ntah dasar mengarut apa tuk lahirkan atlet dari sekolah tambah lagi beban kerja.Nak atlet power tak payah suh mengaji tinggi-tinggi.Beckham pun tak amek SPM.Lin Dan pun english dia kat antartika and artik.Once in a while ada keluar seorang genius sukan.Perhaps one in 10 years.Kategori genius nih kene bole cube jadikan well rounded.Brilliant both on field and in class.The others nih cukuplah reti speaking sikit-sikit and understand math.Other thing is unnecessary.

Anyway kuasa seperti merotan dan denda perlu dikembalikan.Beban tugas cam PTK dan aktiviti luar perlu dikurangkang.Apa korang ingat dasar korang style.Rotan dan denda tu peringatan.Perhaps kene gak buat guideline and briefing kat parents so that kalau that thing dikembalikan taklah dipolitikkan oleh ahli politik yang dungu-dungu itu.Kerja-kerja lain cam PTK tuh distraction actually.evaluate jer cikgu dengan cara lama.Suggestion and evaluation by management dah cukup bagus.Incentives and kenaikan gred lagi stabil.Lagipun PTK korang bukan ikut jawatan.Ada yang tangga gaji tinggi tapi bukan school management.Janga cikgu pun korang nak buat well rounded cam student.Pathetic sebenar pembuat dasar nih.

Takder exact conclusion.Aku pun nak show my gratitude tuk kawan-kawan yang masih ingat cikgu-cikgu diorang.Tanx untuk cikgu-cikgu yang tak pernah prejudis dengan sikap suka tido aku especially Miss Aini and Cikgu Roshidah.Saya kelas bahasa memang lemah cikgu.Tak lupa gak Ustazah Solehah sebab aku keja maen ja dalam kelas.Satu hapa pun tak masuk.Untuk cikgu-cikgu yang telah pergi semoga ilmu cikgu curahkan dapat jadi bantuan cikgu disana.Al-Fatihah.Since esok mule paper untuk budak-budak chemi yang major process, gud luck la semua ek.Revision memang tak cukup tapi rase bole expect aper Mr. Khor nak letak kot.Good luck untuk program laen same.

date Sunday, May 16, 2010


study week dan blog akan kembali last point of time aku study malaysian studies and all of sudden aku teringin browse through gtalk and read people status.after years using this application i come across to this conclusion that status is use if not for promotion of any things is kind of way to show their emotions and can be about everything.from personal problem to politic and worldwide issue.

for a prolonged period of time i've had been away from political news.sick of it.really sick about it.lately the status regarding gambling capture my attention.from religion point of view it is illegal and for what ever cause it is still illegal.i belief gambling has been one of nation source of income for more than a decade.i also belief as we grow and receive the government "money", we all receive part of the money from gambling may come from genting, toto, 4d or magnum and come in term of tax.the similar charge were accounted on the hotels which might provide one night stand.unethical but profitable.however don't look this as my manifestation that i back down from the fact those activities is illegal.

except for university life, i spent my childhood education in government support school which receive money and support from government "pocket".the money come from investor and also all sort of tax.the money use to provide all the facilities for us to study.and the fact that in our healthy physical there's if not large a small portion from this illegal money.a part from PETRONAS income, i belief gambling contribute such a large portion to nation income.this is a reality that other opposition coalition except PAS will find it hard to resist.each state in malaysia is not capable to sustain their state development due to the fact that malaysia is so much on centralization of development.from central to southern part of peninsular west coast develop faster than the other region.

actually i just wondering how well will it be if the opposition successfully toppled current government?will be so well or it will be divide and honest opinion,they'll be fighting because pas will speak from religion point of view while the others will look from capitalist point of view.anyway i'm independent since that your vote is a secret.however it kind of possible to manage and perhaps we will come across this statement again that malaysia is not a islamic country but islam as the official religion.i think this is the correct translation to what being written few months back when they have a small fight about this religion related thing.anyway simple thing like this might turn out to be miserable when it come to make any changes on the administration.

i think it times to stop coz there's too much crap.anyway gambling is still illegal.get back to malaysian studies to justify your identity and what government had done for you.perhaps you can find later what u can do for the can be the next leader and correct everything.all the best

date Thursday, May 13, 2010


Everyone is very,very,very busy at the moment.Each and every person is under a tight schedule.I'm pretty sure none of us expecting this back from our internship.Furthermore the 8 months holiday really spoil us coz we have less sense or urgency and exams feel like nothing.Really hate to admit it but no sense of danger makes life very relax and enjoyable.

Anyway the title is not an insult on anyone whom Malay language is their mother tongue.We can ignore the fact that Malay language once is a Lingua Franca around 6 century ago.However as globalization take place this language begin to lost it ground as the main medium for any business.Worldwide we are speaking English as the main medium of any transaction.Somehow we don't need to worry because within these unique South East Asia region, Malay language still have a strong base to lie on.

This post will be more or less as my manifestation that I'm supporting the decision to teach math n science in English.I want to reiterate from my point of view that it is the right decision not only for education sector but also Malaysia as a whole.Impatient.That is the keyword that should be use when describing majority of Malaysian including the politician.People want an instant result.This is not an instant mee nor drive through counter.They are expecting when we invest big then the profit and benefit come right away.Perhaps the similar approach use by Real Madrid to bring back all the trophy.Except for league, they miss out on other cup.

Education is not a field where victory come instantly.There's none called the Special One.If we bring him here he can't ensure the teaching will give a direct impact.He can't make parents believe it is for their children good.Not to day but for the next 10 years.It will take the next generation of Malaysian to see the result.When the children of today were the parents.They understand the important of English and they are the one who will support and appreciate it.They'll put the emphasis to learn English to their children.

Nowadays it is all about the power to rule.Politicians less likely to bring a lot of good.They speak out loud to show that they care about their voters even though it is not for their long term good.Perhaps money speaks everything.Losing vote mean losing status and a hell lot of money.Either government or opposition, none looks like think for voters future.Each and everybody try to implementing every new thing each single day.With mission and vision to be achieve they're acting fool.They only have eye on the administration instead of fighting for voter future with less emphasis on personal agenda.

Speaking Malay never make you look like a fool.Learning in English won't turn your tongue to a Caucasian tongue.Living in this region will ensure your language proficient is always good.You can master a lot of other language and yet you speak Malay in daily life.There's no such thing as losing an identity by learning in other language.People should be more worried of the influence from mass media that influencing youngster nowadays.Parents should always worried about their children.What are they doing when out late at night.Parents should be worried on their children performance rather than giving excuses and keep on accusing the system.

~Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal~

date Wednesday, May 12, 2010


people always talk about instinct when they do something irrational or in a hurry.
animal have killer instinct.
human and animal share an instinct as a parent even though a lot of human todays did not have it
in my opinion,armed force also trained to make immediate decision
base on instinct
army have that instinct to protect
not only nation but also their pride
police might have that instinct
to act when people act weirdly
try to run away from law enforcer
people also develop instinct of being protective
sometimes to cover their own mistake
divert it to other people
i develop an instinct of hate
to people whom makes useless group
influenced by dirty political mind game play
politic is ruining most of Malaysian
especially younger generation
now i hate politic
i think the instinct to hate political related is developing in me
i think i should not vote
or voting for my own comfort
life is too harsh
anyway just flow the rule
even rules are meant to be broken

date Sunday, May 2, 2010


Latest Malaysia digegarkan dengan kematian a school boy that being shot down by a police in a car chase.Since the violent conduct on PKR Leader,police image had been totally burn down.Case after case and a lot of misconduct had been revealed.Nowadays people tend to interpret that police are doing thing for violence and not for justice.I'm not really into it nor against it.Sometimes violence is good but it should not go too far.Anyway the killing really make the upside down.People making noise everywhere,from newspaper to social networking.Even to show they're against it,the even make a facebook group.It kind of crap or perhaps people just obsessed about it.If you want to fight then just stick out your neck and pray that it'll be chopped for good.

Anyway I'm still single and didn't have any son.I possibly wrong when justifying the feeling of losing someone you've been taking care from the point the sperm and ovum get together.I do agree that emotion might overtake our rationale when try accept a fact.I'm not sure whether it is for justice or trying to divert your fault to others and make a shame of them.I just writing out of rationale and not due to emotion.And the I also agree with the fact that enforcing the law might be violent.

Base from the media the scenario was, a car, drove by a 15 year old schoolboy with his friend try to run away from a road block at 2am where the area is a hot spot of house break-ins.Car chase take place for 6km and a motorcyclist was injured during the event in an accident with the victims' car.Shots was released and one of it,by luck hit the victim.Victim friend flee from the scenario.

A few highlight from the scenario such as his age, his action to run away from the road block and the decision of his friend to flee away from the scene is a major point.For sure the victim had violence the law because he was underage to drive a car and try to turn away from road block.Then his failure to surrender after the car chase result in the bullet was shot at his car.On behalf of a police I believe they chase because of suspicion and due to the fact the victim didn't surrender after the car chase,the justify shooting is the best answer.Somehow a shot to head is not an answer.Shot should be to the tires to stop the car.Somehow under certain circumstances,either the shoot or the shot were deflected and head straight to victim.I believe the policeman is not a sniper and even a snipe need to stabilize himself before make a head shot.

Anyway guys you might accuse me of not try to get insight of losing someone you love but yet some of you did not try to have insight on how the armed force like army and police were trained.How they'll react to suspicious condition and scenario.They did not act blindly but under the guide of their train to justify their action.I felt sorry to the victims family but they need to admit that it was their mistake to let their underage family member to drive a car at 2am.This is also a reminder to us that if you make a mistake then you need to accept the sentence.How hard it hits you,it justify your reluctant to abide to the law.Perhaps after this people should pay more attention on the issues around their housing area and local interest.We don't want this incident to happen again and yet we don't want people to keep on discriminate the armed force.

~renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal

date Saturday, May 1, 2010