
It is very frustrating when the cabinet decide to pull English out of Mathematics and Science learning.For more than half a decade we had been working on this and it take less than 3 years to stop it.Is there any other solution available?Does this mean that there's no mitigation plan from respective ministry?Further more it makes me think that we aren't a fighter after all.We speak out loud but we didn't make any mark.

Since Tun M. launch this program it had undergo such a nasty criticism from many parties.People think that it will burden the students instead of helping them to greater success.We don't really put a thought on the current scenario back in the university.Tun just want to help us, our son, our descendant to be a better warrior at international stage.Had we ever think why we need this change insted of surrender it?This is why most of us agree to step back to use Malay in Math and Science learning progress;

1) We aren't a fighter
-We lack of determination and effort.Some 'unconcious' people keep on repeating that we can be like Japanese, Koreans and French.They keep on using their mother tongue but still they can keep pace at top.However it isn't the same scenario with us.We just learn how to walk and if we can adapt with others it will give an advantage.

2)We are afraid of nothing
-We afraid to lost the Malay's identity to none.They afraid Malay language will be forgotten but they didn't have the correct plan to attract youngster.In fact most of scientific terms were English but we change to Malays word base on the sound.We actually afraid of our own shadow.

3)We don't have mitigation plan
-They step back and yet they want to increase English learning hours by neglecting unnecessary subject.Why is it now and not before?They can employ this strategy earlier to improve student command in English.In addition to that respective ministry may produce their own science and math dictionary.

People might said I'm selfish but the fact we not gonna make it if we don't rely with English.Early introduction to English will later produce a better performer at bigger stage.Step back won't bring any good and yet might have a negative effect on us.When the others want to follow us but we refuse to keep on fighting and instead finding easiest escape by back to Malay.This is very dissapointing.

date Friday, July 10, 2009

2 comments to “mengapa nak undur”

  1. bobo
    July 11, 2009 at 10:16 AM

    x setuju.

  1. Unknown
    July 11, 2009 at 7:53 PM

    ni pendapat aku
    ang ad pendpat ang