
This will be my 2nd post after hybernating for a while.I had gave all the emotions in the 1st post.This post wouldn't touch on feelings.It's just a discussion from my own perception.In refinery or any plant,coupling is a piping equipment use to connect two different sizes of pipeline.All God's creation were made in a couple.We were made of two different genders in general (exclude the half kind of people).Each gender have it's own trademark two diffrentiate between them.However despite their differences, when they both together then they will accomplish one another.When we want to choose our mate we'll choose according to our taste.In addition to that each person also have their own objective in the relation.Some people might take it seriously and eyeing for a marriage in the future.Some other guy might think this is just temporary and not gonna last long.So what's we were search in our relation?

1- soulmate
-for those who were searching for this then they're very looking forward.They want the relation to last long and they not gonna make a mess bout it.Friend is something can be find easily but to make a mate that will will fly together with the soul is hard.The mate will complete the loop hole and help to strengthen each other.They'll help when one's is down and sit by their side to land a hand or shoulder to cry.So chhosing soulmate might be a bit hard and never make a mess about it or u'll suffer.
2- experience
-couple amongst teenagers todays is a must.Somehow at this young age the relation might not last long and might lead to a disaster.Experience do teach us how to do better in the future.Make us a better fighter but to mess with you or others feeling is something wrong.Those people who were hurt might overreact and do something fools.In my opinion it is something that should be avoided in a relation.People should take it seriously the relation and if it is fated not too last long then that's it.This is how you get an experience rather than make the relation as an experiment.
3- luxury
-money,moneymoney!!Todays no money no talk.With money people will be by your side.If you dont have money then u'll find a true friend.Some people act like a parasite to their mate.They ask for this and for that while they only fork out a small amount of their money for their mate.It is unnecassary to give all out in term of luxury and money.If you're not fated to be together this might hurt you further when you flashback the memory.It might make you feel unappreciated.We can sacrifice but not to the level where it will hurt your financial and your mate suck up whatever they can get from you while you left suffering.
4- love
-This word is very mysterious.It will lead you into a whole new world.It is made from a mixture of feelings.It is is not just about like one another.It is something that is not muutally exclusive to each other.It is inter related. In this single word there's caring.Then come understanding and trustworthy.Next come willingness to sacrifice and do the best for your mate.It'll turn you into someone which is far more concern to each other in so many ways.It is not just about health or financial.You'll try to help them and make them comfort in most situation in order to make them feel better.None of you will cheat or betray each other.No backstab.Despite the relation we also should give our mate their own space and time to breath.We need to understand their environment and so on.This word can't be explaine in second or a page.It have a large interpretation.A simple word with a thousands meaning.If you make a mistake while defining this word then you might regret it.This something you not gonnas mess bout it.
Actually being together is not as easy or wonderful as we thought.It also have up and down and the good news is there's someone will always by your side when you're down to fire you back.However think twice before get involved ina relation.Never take them for granted or make it as a stepping stone to a glory.
'Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal'

date Saturday, July 25, 2009

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