Monday always a lazy day.I felt very sleepy whole day today.Not much got in my way.Early in the morning I helped another trainee do clerk's job.It is raining the whole day in Malacca.With no sun light it makes me feel very comfortable.Somehow I keep on thinking about my past the whole day.I can't dream because its not gonna be a reality.No time machine to help me.Anyway lets walk down the memory lane....
A decade before, a child always looks at his father collection of souvenir when he's study abroad.From that point onwards he had set a standard to at least achieve what his father had or a step higher.He just want to be like his father.An oversea grad, work as a teacher and live in a village near to his mother so the in-law.Under his father guidance he's doing very well in his primary school.He move one step closer to his dream as he was accepted to a boarding school.
It tooks a few years before he settled down very well.Despite putting a full effort to be a top student he also chase another dream.He add some more spice by joining sports team.We cant get everything.We need to let go something in order to get other thing.Once he get into form 5 he begin to concentrate on his study.Slowly he begin to make his mark.He achieved his peak in SPM.Next stop is UTP.He never known what will happen next.He never know that his ambition won't be a reality.
Later on when people begin to apply for other he face a stiff hurdle.His parents didn't allowed him to apply for any other scholarship.He agree with it and continue to pursue his study in UTP.One by one his friends gone abroad to pursue thair study.He feels like losing.He didn't put any effort and yet he lost.He lost his confidence.He also left by a girl that he don't know whether the girl that he had suffered a lot for her.At one point he think life suck.He lost his motivation to put his full effort to score.He once thinking to pull himself out of the race.
Halfway through his teenage life and he' still there.He still didn't move from where he left.He's lack of determination.Owh life,what will happen to him?

6 comments to “memory lane”
July 29, 2009 at 7:01 AMi'ALLAH john
xder paper sgt pun
sje2 suke tlis
Encik Jurassic
July 29, 2009 at 12:05 PMhoi,lack of konfiden?
haha,smenjak bile ni dob?
smenjak aku hilang dari pandangan mata kau hari hari kah?
July 29, 2009 at 6:27 PMowh sammy (bukan sammy lee)
semenjak sekian lma
tp lack jer la
blom lost
Encik Jurassic
July 29, 2009 at 6:44 PMhehe,gud!
July 29, 2009 at 7:30 PMpasti dude
bru bole wanita pilihan bersandar di bahu saya
July 29, 2009 at 3:26 AM
everyone ade fate msg2, and life must go on selagi ajal ko xsmpai.
so b strong~