1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?

family n friends

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?

sepasang kasut Camel,sehelai tshirt n sluar dari bundle

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?

kat rumah sendiri sudah

6. Di manakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam?

tomyam tropika
nasi putih+sup daging+telur dadar+barli suam

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?

novel tajuk Mikhail

8. Apakah nama penuh kamu? EJA TERBALIK


9. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau mak?


10. Namakan seseorang yang ingin kamu jumpa dalam hidup kamu buat pertama kalinya??

teman hidup aku untuk masa depan.sebab tak taw tuh nak jumpa.

11. Sebutkan 8 nama sahabat yang paling rapat dengan kamu?

-xtreme gen 0105

-UTP gen06

-UTP Rugby Knight

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri?

selain rumah sendiri memang sendiri.kat rumah sape dapat arahan basuh la semua baju sekali

13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu mahu pergi?

new zealand.Ada pemandangan best and rugby

14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu..

masih sekolah
lagi kecik dari aku
seorang perempuan
punya pelbagai emosi
bakal produk keluaran jenan cam aku gak

15. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai?

football manager







family outing

16. Pelukan atau ciuman?

peluk.baru terasa hangat

17. 8 perkataan yang sering diucapkan? (kalau marah kat sapa2 ahh)-









18. 8 buah buku yang paling baru dibaca


-few text books sebab exam baru abis

19. 8 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali??

-today more than yesterday (kim jong kook)
-layu ->malique
-cry me a river -> jt
-dan sebenarnya
-kembali ->butterfingers
-the man who sold the world ->nirvana
-francis ford copolla ->pretty ugly
-photograph ->nickelback

20. Mari men’TAG’ 8 orang lain…

-cik suraya
-mr sammy
-ain ilyana
-ammar kassim

date Saturday, May 30, 2009


Yesterday morning the end of Devil's dream to be crowned as UCL champion once more.It is Barca who stole the limelight.Ronaldo light is fading when facing the dazzling run from a brilliant Messi.'Pep' had succesfully turn Barca into a world class team within a year.A warning that should be taken sriously by the big boys all around the europe.Anyway despite all the laugh and tears,the profesionalisme shown by the players not gonna effect the fans.

In Nigeria, a Devil's fan run a bus into crowd and killed four people.While today newspaper reported an injury aftermatch cause by another Devil's fan in M'sia.I thought this kind of incident won't happen in M'sia.It is ridiculous to act like that.You won't get anything by killing someone neither the Devil's.Life won't change anything.As the final whistle is blowned Barca was the best team in europe and Man U is 2nd best team.

Owh GOD I hate this part rite here.I regularly heard thousands of excuses from Devil's fans when they're defeated but not attacking a person.This had gone too far.If Kelantan's fans doing havoc was punished by removing their stadium to Bukit Jalil then should Man U are ban from entering M'sia?Even though it is likely they'll be degeated when playing here but their fan is acting irrelevance.

Anyway for other fans who behave really good than it is good.Hope next season there will be a better competition.We didn't practice 'hooligans' in this country.

date Friday, May 29, 2009


Semalam aku tulis pasal pembuangan masa dengan kuiz-kuiz 'menarik' di facebook (bukan team bola staff UTP).Dari hari ke hari aku dapati makin ramai 'terjebak' dengan kuiz-kuiz begini.Golongan yang terlibat bukan sahaja dari kalangan pelajar universiti yang masih bercuti bahkan juga golongan 'tua' yang tengah melakukan latihan industri mereka.Walau bagaimanapun kuiz-kuiz ini nyata memberi satu dimensi baru kepada 'keceriaan' dalam gagasan sosial facebook.Pelbagai tilikkan disediakan oleh kuiz-kuiz ini.Dari sesuatu yang kelakar kepada sesuatu yang berbaur peribadi dan sedikit lucah.Antara yang boleh kita lihat menerusi kuiz-kuiz ini seperti asal bakal pasangan anda,siapa anda 30 tahun akan datang,tahap IQ anda,tarikh perkahwinan anda,pekerjaan anda yang sepatutnya dan pelbagai lagi termasuk deskripsi anda di ranjang(jangan ban aku plak sebab penyataan ini).Tidak kurang juga pengguna yang menggunakan peluang ini untuk menentukan pengetahuan anda tentang dirinya.Mari kita lihat antara hasil menarik kuiz-kuiz di facebook.

1 - Tarikh perkahwinan anda
3 Oct 2011 - aku,suraya ideris,nurul hidayah

2 - Pekerjaan anda sepatutnya
Penyanyi - Khairi Norzian (bole ganti Khai@Kaer)
Polis - Suraya Ideris
Model - Fahmi Azme
Ahli Sukan - aku
Jurutera - Fatin Alias

3 - Tahap ke-gangster-an anda
Friendster - Suraya Ideris
Gangstarz - Nadiah Jamil
Hamster - aku

4 - Asal pasangan anda
Kedah - Fahmi Azme
Johor - aku
Selangor - Fatin Alias
Luar negara - Khairi Norzian (yoona maybe)

5 - Diri anda 30 tahun akan datang
Artis - Khairi Norzian
Pengemis - Fahmi & Fatin
Pemimpin - Suraya
Ibu atau bapa yang baik - aku

Kepada yang berkenaan jangan ambil serius hal ini.Halalkan nama anda didedahkan kerana aku bukan ingin mengaibkan.Kepada yang belum mencuba jangan ketinggalan.

date Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Dalam post semalam aku merungut takde idea nak tulis tapi dandan idea banyak lepas baca online newspaper.Aku sangat tertarik dengan 2 artikel regarding to Malaysia politic scene.Both article is intresting and somehow looks funny for me but in the mean time aku pun sedey gak.Kalau politik tak aman camne ekonomi nak maju.Lately Malaysia punya politik lagi hiruk pikuk dari pasar ikan.Ada yang dah angkat "parang,kapak,parang kontot dan bermacam-macam lagi" untuk berjaya dalam politik.For sure diorang bukan angkat kapak yang betul cuma lidah dan perkataan jadi galang ganti.Orang yang guna kapak boleh kita umpamakan orang yang tak banyak cakap tapi bila cakap damage-nye sangat outstanding.Jenis pakai parang pulak main libas jer.Ntah betul ke tak die sendiri pun tak taw.Kalau pakai parang kontot nih jenis yang bertarung jarak dekat.Face-to-face jer since senjata die pendek.Macam ahli DUN bertekak dalam dewan perhimpunan diorang.Yang macam tu ak kire pakai parang kontot la.Backstabbers ak consider pakai pisau.Ringan,kecik but deadly.However post today bukan nak cerita tentang senjata yang ahli politik pakai.

First of all tentang mogok lapar.Sedikit temubual dengan Datok Noh Gadut (maaf kalau eja nama tak betul) regarding to suggested mogok lapar regarding to court decision that Dr Zambry is the Perak MB.Datok Noh cakap tak boleh wat mogok lapar sebab bertentangan dengan Islam.Salah satu sebab membahayakan kesihatan.Kang tak makan ada pulak tumbang toruih orang tanam.Dah lain cerito kok macam tu.Tambah beliau kalau buat mogok macam orang yang dah give up dengan perjuangan sendiri.Betul gak kata Datok tuh.Nampak sangat dah last resort sampai nyawa pun jadi taruhan.Nyawa manusia bukan untuk ditarik oleh manusia tapi kalau mogok sampai mati mean bunuh diri and berdosa katanya lagi.So untuk mana yang bajet orang akan amik perhatian dengan tindakan mogok anda itu,hentikan sebab itu hanya menunjukkan kelemahan diri sendiri.Kata fighter,nak jadi ultimate fighter kena lagi berjuang.FIGHTING!!!!

Second thing is bout 'Menteri Besar Mahkamah'.This is quoted from an opposition leader.Ini pasal kes dekat Perak gak.Mahkamah putuskan yang Dr Zambry sebagai MB.Since aku tak terlibat dalam sebarang prosiding perundangan jadi sebarang ketidakadilan aku pun tak tahu.Kalau ada 'pembelitan' dilakukan pun aku tak tahu yang aku tahu mahkamah announce camtu.Base on this statement aku rasa tak wajar ada gelaran macam tu.Betul beliau bukan dilantik straight after an election tapi still ada perlantikan.Kalau menang election tapi tak ada perlantikan former MB pun tak dapat jd MB.Decision mahkamah buat base on certain case and aku rasa bukan mahkamah yang boleh lantik MB.Kalau semua perlantikan kene through election then after PM resign kena buat gak election untuk pilih PM baru.Penat gak camtuh.Keje election jer and election bukan setakat rugi masa bekerja malah duit and tenaga.Produktiviti bukan meningkat pun.Serabut betul Malaysia sekarang.

By the way nampak macam aku kritik banyak sangat opposition.Tapi no offense.Aku just tulis apa yang aku fikir.Semua leaders pun rakyat yang pilih jadi jalankan tanggungjawab.Bela nasib rakyat.Kalau ada ketidakadilan perjuangkan perlahan-lahan.Jangan tiba-tiba meletup.Tak ada yang akan untung.

date Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Hari ni 1st day kat rumah untuk percutian singkat sebelum memulakan sesi praktikal kat PPMSB.1 Jun akan bermula satu era baru dalam hidup.Entering a whole new life as a worker at a plant.Aku just pray there are a lot to be learn during my 8 month stint at PPM.Dari pagi sampai petang aku habiskan masa kat rumah.Cuma keluar pergi Pasar Lelong, amik adik dari sekolah and amik emak.Petang pergi rumah wan before heading for a trip to PPM.Saja parents nak round usha jalan-jalan ke PPM.Hari ini aku masak ikan cencaru goreng berlada untuk lunch.A simple menu for lunch.Malas aku nak menggulai.Adik aku masak sup sayur.Simple jer menu tapi nanti time intern macam akan jadi menu wajib.Cepat,murah dan sedap.Scholar tak masuk lagi so tak boleh nak keluar shopping.Lagipun tak ada gadis nak teman.Demand la plak rasa klo nak klua pun kene ada gadis.Tapi impossible aku akan keluar shopping dengan gadis.Jatuh standard klo pegi shopping kat bundle jer.

Anyway bila aku duk depan komputer and bukak web browser,aku mesti melawati Facebook.Menjadi trend kot orang jawab kuiz yang ntah paper kat Facebook and aku pun tak terkecuali.Antara yang menarik aku amik today is bout how many children i would have in the future and being a Negri's boy.Result were i'm gonna have a couple of children in the future and i'm totally a Negri's boy.However I think i took more than 5 quizzes today.Semua pun mengarut.Belum lagi amik kuiz how much you know about someone.Mesti result banyak mengecewakan.Banyak betul perkara lagha kat dalam Facebook.Since my short holiday is about rest and fun then its gonna be my routine for the next few days.

Rasanya takde paper lagi nak cakap.Maap banyak-banyak sebab blog sedikit slow coz lack of idea and issue.Hope mase intern akan ada leisure time untuk di-spend dengan blog.See you later and happy holiday(just a short one).

date Monday, May 25, 2009


today is my first day at home.It is 8 in the morning and I begin to feel a bit bored without friends around.Sorry cik su coz not yet do ur tag.Just browsing through internet to find rugby videos and i found this rugby wizards video.I'm trying to find video on touch rugby.Hope one day we can introduce this game to girls in UTP.Will it be lovely to see some girls at rugby field?Its quite sometime since I saw girls at UTP rugby field.Hope if we can bring along some to play with us then soon it'll be more



tatkala ini aku sangat menginginkan
mempunyai khidmat-khidmat istimewa macam dalam
Pendekar Laut tak pun Naruto ataupun Kamen Rider
Mungkin boleh ada khidmat Sang Asura,
Pergi dimensi lain masa jawab exam and diskus
balik ke dunia asal tinggal nak tulis jer atas kertas
kalau tak cukup masa boleh wat Clock-up
tak cukup lagi wat Hyper Clock-up
Next sem dah nak intern
sangat best kalau boleh wat klon
Kage Bunshin No Jutsu
aku boleh lepak-lepak and tidur
klon pergi wat prektikal kt PPM
seronok gak kalau ada sharingan
boleh jawab exam dengan tenang sebab dah tahu soalan aper nak klua
and bole hafal semua benda yang penah tengok dengan pin-point accuracy
aku gak nak khidmat penyatupaduan sel-sel
boleh bahu,lutut and semua anggota badan
yang dah terbarai pulih semula
kalau wolverine kena operate untuk letak besi
aku nak jadi macam Harimau Kumbang
Pedang berasimilasi dengan badan
tak payah pakai pisau
pastu ada mata ketiga
dapat predict future

Banyak gak perkara-perkara tak logik dalam otak aku nih

date Friday, May 22, 2009

PUTRAJAYA 21 Mei - Kecenderungan pelajar-pelajar pintar yang sanggup mengambil sehingga 20 mata pelajaran dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) mungkin akan berakhir.

owh GOD,
baru ingat nak amik balik SPM
tengok boleh tak dapat 20A
dah tak meriah la camni
beruntunglah yang dah amik berlambak subjek
rugilah budak-budak yang teringin nak amik banyak subjek
kerajaan pun dah bebai
angpa amik subjek banyak-banyak sapa suruh
mentang-mentang kerajaan sponsor exam
abih duit depa marking kertas hangpa


selamat berjuang sahabatku
semoga ALLAH berkatimu
kenangan indah bersamamu
takkan ku biar ia berlalu
berjuanglah hingga keakhirnya
dan ingatlah semua ikrar kita .........


January 2009 sem is almost at the end for gen06.Most of us will finish our exam on Friday except PE.We won't be together next sem.Each one of us will move to other 'well' of knowledge.Try to drill and take out all valuable things.We aren't PE students who learn all the modelling and stone but we are future engineers which undergo a 'process' that the end product is us as a more valuable human.Mr Sammy had talk a lot about the direction we were heading and I'm gonna add some more.Perhaps few more things before we left each other.

First thing is apology.Out future is not us to decide.We do our best in order to have a bright future.Life and death are not in our hand.We don't know how long we will be living and neither we still can meet each other next year and graduate together.To all my friends,readers and loved followers, I want to apologize on any of my mistake.This will include any offensive post or bad words.I can't make it on time if I want to sent an email to all of you nor calling each one of our batch members but I'm sorry for all my mistake.I pray all of us will live longer and together we go through our final year,2010.Hope our 8 month period we'll end happily and sucessful.

Second thing is debt.This word is not a stranger for most of us.Since our scholarship bank in date is always fluctuating,we might not make it to the end.For those who had debt please settle it.Anyone who I had debt please ask it from me before I left.If I can't settle it before I left then remind me later.Those who can't settle your debt now,just head to your internship and save some money.Pay it later when you're rich enough.Anyway hope this internship session will help us to manage our cash flow better.

I hope all of us can do both things before we left.May we have a better life in the future.Good luck everyone.Takecare of yourself.

date Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Less than an hour before my 1st paper will begin.I'm not gonna talk too much in this post but just a little talking bout 3 different things.Blog,blogger and pembaca blog.Three different components yang contribute too growth of blog-ing phenomena around the world.A blog won't be famous without the readers.Blogs offers wide range of information and entertainment,from rumours up to personal issues.However lately there's a huge conflict between this three components.

Blog is either personally owned or belong to certain group of people.Personal blog is what most of my friends have while rarely we write a group's blog.Blog is written by writer on their own will to coup with current issue,fulfill either the reader or their own need,write for the truth or just for fun.Sometimes blog content might be too personal or offensive than they make it private.Blog with unpleasing content might also have a warning page before you enter the blog.Blog content is the one that will determine the popularity of the blog.Blog by RPK attract a lot of readers because its content circulating on hot political issues.A few of my friends blog is popular because they wrote about teenage life.Here we can see the range of blog that we have in the world.

Blogger is the owner and write of a certain blog.The content of a blog is decided by the blogger.A blogger can write on whatever they like.From pleasing thing to offensive issue.It's up to them what to be publish in their blog.However the vigorous the topic the faster you'll be hit by it.Somehow for-fun-blogger rarely try to do offensive things nor hurting others.We speak out our mind's,look to other opinion and solve the curiosity playing in our mind.Some blogger make it private for others to view their blog unless invited because it is personal.This will help to keep the privacy.We can conclude that a blogger is the most powerful person on its blog.They can write off any post,publish another,block any person from view it and so many things.Blogger will decide on what intention does they write a post.Even though they're powerful but they still need to remain within a certain limit or else you will face the music.

Reader.The third part in blog after host and writer.A good blog will attract a lot of readers.In addition to that readers also decide how's a post will develop and spread.A good topic to be discuss will be widespread and read by a lot of people.As I stated before some people do write blog because of their curiosity about something and they're looking from co-operative readers to help them find the answer.Somehow they're also unpleasing readers.Readers who can't obey all the reminder and so on left by the blogger.What can I say is they don't respect the owner.Blogger like me and some other friends who are a blogging for fun did not write because of any intention.We wrote for fun and for readers but sometimes its the readers who take off the mood.I read in one of my friends blog where one of the reader keep talking rubbish.Reader can left a comment, a good critique but not any hatred on the post.Beside some readers who are 'gelut' also bring things to real life.Damn blog is blog and don't make it reality.What happen in virtual stay in virtual world (macam what happen in vegas stay in vegas).What a blogger expect from a reader is support their post and gives a good critique.We aren't expecting any enemy.

Blog,blogger and reader are inter-related between each other.People read blog to find the truth or discuss on any issue.Blogger write because they like it and for readers satisfaction.Blog providing a place where blogger can speak out their mind on anything.However each party need to respect each other.Blogger need to respect blog host and not posting anything bad nor trying to destroy the host.Reader read and help the blogger to progress and not to bring unnecessary things out from the blog.Blogger need to respect others because blogger is also a human.

*no offense guys

date Monday, May 18, 2009


Dari hari ke hari aku rasa makin serabut tengok ahli politik negara kita.Observation aku mengatakan yang majoriti hanya inginkan kuasa dan bukan berkhidmat untuk masyarakat.Yang tak berkuasa kelam kabut nak kausa yang hilang kuasa bila dapat mandat terus ambil tindakan yang pada aku macam nak show off kuasa dia.Dato' ke Dr ke Ir ke jangan la serabut dengan kuasa tu.Semua pun kehendak Tuhan.Cepat dapat cepat jugak kita turun.Harap pangkat dan gelaran yang banyak tapi profesionalisme sikit.

Since early this year Perak dah turn upside down.Rimas.Yes itu perkataan yang tepat.Politik Malaysia dah cukup merimaskan tambah lagi rimas tengok status 'instant messager' kawan-kawan sendiri.Kita belum mengundi lagi jadi tak perlu serabut dengan hal politik pada pendapat aku.Kalau pemimpin yang ada salah kita ubah kepimpinan di masa depan bukan buat keadaan jadi serabut.Ketenteraman negara kita at the lowest level I had seen for almost 20 years aku hidup kat Malaysia.

Pakatan Rakyar or Barisan Nasional?As I had state before sincerity would never being written in politic dictionary.If the choosen leaders want to be sincere then he can have a go.Flashback at the beginning of political crisis in Perak,it is admitted that one of the 'back-stabber' is concern about the treatment on him/her.As we all know that a large amount of Perak assemblyman get a new Camry but he/she didn't.In my opinion ada pilih kasih disitu.Kronisme dimana-mana.Kalau nak berlaku adil bahagi portfolio sama rata and kereta pun bahagi seorang satu.However rakyat jangan hangpa tiggai mati katak.

Mula-mula orang permain Sultan.Aku tak pandai law sebab aku amik engineering.Kalau baca balik buku sejarah pun aku tak sure ada emphasis on this political issue.PR nak maintain memerintah negeri while BN nak takeover Perak.PR kata pembubaran and perlantikan oleh Sultan tak sah while Federal using Sultan 'power' untuk naik.Lepas rujuk balik buku Law ada yang kata tak sah tapi majoriti 2/3 dah tak ada dalam dewan negeri.None of the party can form a government.Sekarang mahkamah kata Ir still sah sebagai MB while Dr appeal pulak regarding to this issue.Sekarang orang buat mahkamah macam kartun.

Pemimpin-pemimpin sekalian,Malaysia kita tak sebesar Amerika.Kata orang parlimen Amerika lagi kecil dari parlimen Malaysia.Seteruk-teruk layanan Amerika towards other countries pun tapi sana nampak macam lagi harmony (even though ada small portion of citizen yang buat havoc).By the way aku doa isu akan selesai secepat mungkin.Nampak teruk sangat politik kat M'sia.Semua orang yang rasa pandai cuba untuk manipulate pihak lain.I'm not pointing finger to anyone tapi jangan buat guna jalan yang salah.Kita ada budaya hormat-menghormati yang pemimpin suruh rakyat buat tapi bukan sesama pemimpin.Cukup maki hamun untuk kali ini.Sambung lagi di lain hari.

date Wednesday, May 13, 2009


A modern Mother's Day first introduce at 1912 by an American to honours mother and motherhood within families context.According to some source it also believe that tradition of celebrating mother's day was begin since the ancient Greek.It was a festival to celebrate a Greek God called Cybele.Mother's day is not the same for all countries but most of the country in the world celebrate Mother's day on 2nd Sunday each May.

For almost a decade people had been celebrating Mother's Day and the way it is celebrated might be deviates from one year to another.Nowadays Mother's Day celebration is almost similar to other celebration.People sent cards,wishes,sms and many other things to show their appreciation and gratitude to a mother.Somehow was this what a mother needs?

A Mother Is A Maker Of Memories.....

Why is it?Why a mother is a maker of memories?What had they done that make being memorable?When were those ocassion happen?Where was the memorable ocassion took place?

Walking through the memory lane we will noticed that most of things of our past were related to our mother.The day we were born was a memory to our mother because she had been carried us for 9 month.Later we begin to walk, we start to speak and even go to school was a memory.Somehow was this can be achieve without a mother?The answer is not because we weren't even being born to the world.

From our childhood to present, a mother had taken a goodcare of us(unfortunately some mother might be not).They want to see us grow into a very successful person.They aren't asking neither presents,wishes nor money.Any kind of appreciation will be much appreciated because it show that we care.However neither celebrating nor wishes can make them happy if we don't do well in our life.As long as we live a comfort life,always pray for them and do called them regularly will make them more than happy.

Todays with all kind of social problems, a  mother might be the one who suffered the most.We regularly saw in media a mother was crying after their children.Mother do cried at several ocassion but crying for children that do something wrong is painful.

Dear friends,

Mother's day wasn't similar to other celebration.It wasn't like birthday or other celebration.It is created to appreciate a mother contribution to a family.A mother will never dwell about presents nor any other expensive things as an appreciation.If we can spend a day with them or replace them to do house chores than it will be more than enough.Our success is one of the best present we can gave them.Never make it too easy nor too hard when thinking about your mother.They aren't materialistic and they also don't want to make your life hard.Do appreciate your mother.Do the best in your life and be asuccessful person.

date Monday, May 11, 2009


Study week is always unfavorable for study.I think most of us prefer to sleep and have some fun rather than looking at the black and white lecture notes.For some people study week also being their busiest week and due to that they tend to take more and more junk food or instant food.Anyway both food is not favorable for a good brain development.Besides it also lack of nutrition for our body.Let see what I had to day and whether it is good for health or not.

Breakfast : Nil (woke up almost 1030.no need to break fast because it's already late.)

Lunch : Rice + Chicken + Spinach (almost perfect but there's no fruit.however large amount of rice might turn it into unhealthy)

Tea : A couple slice of bread with kaya

Dinner : 4 slices of bread with kaya and a cup of coffee (not so good but save in budget)

Supper : Mamee Kari Kapitan Sempoi (totally unhealthy but it is delicious.you should try it or you will miss the pleasure of the soup)

How was it?Were it healthy or not?

date Saturday, May 9, 2009

Siapakah gadis berbaju peach (orangeor watever colour might be)?????

Pemain UNO yang tegar

Di hadapan entrance Jusco Mid Valley

Jejaka penunggu bahagian men's shoes

Anak-anak yang menebus masa silam di arked


We had done it!!We had successfully waste our time at Kelompo.Above are few of pictures I took during our short 'holiday'.Tomorrow study week will begin....

date Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Yesterday officially sem Jan09 ended.The nod was a CPDC test.Perhaps she's trying to help us to score and the question is slightly simple compared to 2 previous test.Even though the test ended far from the end of the day but I believe majority of us did not do the revision yet.People took this time to spend together with friends,girl/boy friend and some of us also went back home.Take your time and have some fun for a while.

Todays I'm heading to KL with my colleague.We will take the train at 912 am.Base on the schedule we will be there till night and it seems that my study week will have another delay.This wasn't like my previous trip because we are heading there to have some fun.It night be a bit too far but it is fine.Most of us already get bored with Ipoh (even though not regularly go) so we choose KL because there's tranportation available.Its 8 already and I need to wake up our transporter.Few of us will be transported by a maroon Kancil.


date Monday, May 4, 2009


Last night, we were having a party, a sausage party. More than 25 people turn up to get rid of 750 sausages we bought from Tesco. We choosed the parking lot near the lake as our venue. The cooking session begin around 1030 pm and it reach its peak around one and a half hour later.No girls, no music and no f**king rules.It just only man,sausages,cigar and laugh.Eeveryone was enjoying their nite after two hell weeks eventhough some of them have a test today.Thing getting better when we began to play game.Later Bobo turn up with his car and joined our party.Everything end hal past 1 in the morning.Hopefully we can once again this kind of party.Long live Gen06.........................

date Friday, May 1, 2009