For this whole week this is the pic I think best suited all the events that happen.We begin with damn bored Tuesday where I need to wake up early to proceed with ETP production.Wednesday morning I woke up just to found that my hp was stolen.F**king hate this event.Thursday morning I did not go to class.The presentation was suck.Econ test not much change the day.I am still moving in a wrong path.TP test also suck.Finally I'm qualified for top 30 position.Tomorrow got PPD test.Hope it won't suck.

2 comments to “this week theme”
April 27, 2009 at 6:53 PMhahahah
ak pn mnat gk
cm tbe2 rse utp ad scenery menrik
April 27, 2009 at 5:10 PM
ak suke gmba tu~