Yezza here they come the culprit...."MONEY"
I'm sure you might wondering why I called money as a culprit and the reason are ;
- It makes life hard without them
- It makes people fight to posses them
- It makes people think that they can have anything as long as they have money
- It leads to unhealthy lifestyle.
- It make us forget about our origin and past.
- It makes people feel ungrateful for what they possessed.
After all I'm grateful too see my bank account balance is more than RM 10.It was a great feeling when I log in to CIMB Clicks and saw my withdrawal limit is no more 0.Somehow I don't think an April Fool is the right time to delay scholar transaction because it makes life misery.Since that I'm having a very hectic week,empty bank account makes me feel likes a servants without payment.At the end of the day let's enjoy this weekend even though this might not be the greatest week in UTP.
April 4, 2009 at 12:06 AM the others says...
if u masted this,you will b a powerfull person
and money is just a medium that created by Jews laknatullah to crush Islam....esp matawang yg dicipta mereka...
so....just adept with it la...
tp duit bkn segala...
duit x leh masuk kubur...