Yesterday I got a PCS presentation and I had appointed as the topic master.As a topic master I had bought the issue about the decision to block all-google related sites.It had made our life a mess because we can't access our gmail and googling.Sure we have another mail account but accessing ymail is so troublesome.In addition to that the security department also do funny things.Don't they realize that student can't access google related sites and yet they do post the mail about summons through the mail.Was this a joke by management or what?It seems like the communication between manegement department also broken.
Last night my group had a meeting to disscuss about our project.We decided to used common room at v4c.After a while a guard came and said "Dik,perempuan tak boleh masuk sini" and we move away to V4 cafe.while my group members doing their work I move away and spoke to a friend.He said that the guards not only ask girls to move away from the room but they also ask guys too.I accept the fact that it might not be proper for girls to be there but what the heck with the guys?Why the bllody fool guard need to urge them to go away.We were guys uncle.Do you unable to diffrentiate between girls and guys?A moment later a few foreigners came in to the room both guys and girls and I'm sure they won't ask them to get out of the room.
After all I can said that things turn to be miserable here in UTP.Why were students with more than just a couple of girl and guy were asked to move away from the room?We weren't try or have intention to do anything wrong.I hate those who were thinking they're doing a favour on something while in the mean time creating havoc and hatred from others.