
Kurang 48 jam untuk meraikan Aidilfitri (bukan aidil zafuan).Ramadhan Al-Mubarak berlalu datang Aidilfitri yang dinanti.Siapa yang menanti?Itu yang kite tak taw.Mungkin penerima duet raya,mungkin kaki-kaki ponteng puasa and mungkin budak-budak dan mak bapak yang segak bergaya.Somehow buat yang kehilangan orang yang tersayang, yang baru ataupun lama, tabahkan hati dan majulah kehadapan.

Tak kira usia atau latar belakang,Aidilfitri cuba kita sambut dengan meriah dan penuh kelainan.Pasaraya penuh dengan orang shopping sakan.Uptown pun penuh.Bundle juga penuh.Borong sakan tak kurang meriah.Tidak ketinggalan lorong-lorong dan kedai-kedai sempit.Dari pakaian dalam sampai ke skirting kereta or sport rim motor, semua pun disiapkan untuk beraya.So raya memang meriah.Lebih meriah sebab semua kaum pun celebrate.Tak kisah status dalam strata ekonomi,janji semua boleh makan dan bergumbira.

Ape anda sediakan untuk diri sendiri raya ini?Aku tak buat baju melayu coz fund limited.Furthermore baju last year pun cukup menghelit at least sampai raya haji.T-shirt mahupun shirt juga aku tak beli.Bukan tak menarik cuma memang tak maw beli kot.Sesi beli belah dengan brothers arituh end up dgn selai cotton pants and selai slack.Untuk melengkapkan persiapan Aidilfitri arinih and semalam aku beli syampu head and shoulder juga garnier for men,icy scrubs.Rasenye cukup berseri untuk raya nanti.Tiada kelemumur dan juga bintik hitam.Serupa tagline iklan toiletries.

Anyway tak maw sentuh pasal pemakanan coz belum raya lagi makan da heaven kat rumah.bubur pulut hitam da dapat,kuah durian juga dapat and next kuih2 and kek2 sempena raya.Cukup syarat tuk naek berat badan.Bersempena dengan pos nih aku nak ucap selamat hari raya.Aku gak nak susun 10 jari pohon maaf zahir dan batin.If ad termakan biskut ker,roti ke,terambil paper,mintak halalkan.Let's say nak tuntut jumpa lepas raya.Untuk yang menuntut nak rasa masakan aku pun lepas raya.Ingatkan selalu.Bagi yang diperantauan, maybe nex year beraya di Malaysia lak.Untuk abang2 dan akak2 graduan ICT and BIS batch Jan06, boleh ringan-ringankan beban kitorang dengan sedikit duit raya.


Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal

date Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Salam and good day.

Al-kisahnya this year is the first ever year yang aku balik raya awal.Previously due to the fact I'm not staying as far as I want,it always a thing that I exercise very often to be at home a day or two before raya.Iftar with family will always be welcome but soon the opportunity might not come at all.So another way to prepare urself for future living.Ridiculous but it doesn't mean I didn't love my family.

So aku balik naek ETS.Untuk yang dah naik tahniah.Untuk yang belum naik boleh try.Not a full bullet train maybe the railway is more or less similar to the highway.A lot of corner and in some part, the wear and tear is very bad.Especially in Klang Valley area where train and komuter work one of the main transport medium.Generally everything is fabulous since it was a new coach.The highest speed it reaches yesterday is 146 km/h.It takes 2 hours to reach KL Sentral and around 45 minutes from there to Seremban.Convenience?OF course.There is place to but food and beverages.However it was fasting month so they just sell it from coach to coach.There are stewards and stewardess.Somehow aku jumpe sorang je.Cun?Not so bad.A bit better than so-so type.Conclusion sape nak balik KL/Seremban,dating kt KL,interview kt KL or buang mase kt KL boleh naek ETS.Tiket sampai Sentral RM 29.Klo ada time constrain sangat digalakkan.Tapi untuk yang poket nipis naeklah shuttle biase.

Cukup pasal train kite move on ke aktiviti dirumah.Tired?100 percent sure.After break-fast and prayer, aku take a nap.Not really a nap but more to a short sleep for an hour and a half.Then bangun setup wireless router kat rumah.After that tengok mak and angah berusaha buat kuih bangkit.Since boleh tekap-tekap aku join venture production line.Aku jump to ending aku discover that aku ada bekat tuk tekap kuih bangkit.Pretty good tuk after final exam part-time.Anyway rupa paras kuih tuh kurang tapi rase still tasty.

Tomorrow aku kena hantar kete servis.So excessive sleeping after subuh is not allowed.What a disaster.Mak cakap enough cookies for this raya.Begin on wednesday nite buat kek pulak.As usual selera terhadap kek takkan dapat dibendung.Kek buah,kek coklat,cheese cake,kek lapis masam manis and butter cake.Suma pun ada kat rumah.Tuk my reader boleh la datang rumah klo nak rase.Nak bawak balik UTP xpat la kot sebab aku balik naek pengangkutan awam.Furthermore aku balik awal.So yang kat rumah jangan main mercun excessively.Hilang jari tanggung sendiri.


date Sunday, September 5, 2010



Ini entry number 222.Dah lame aku tinggalkan blog untuk kesenangan dan ketenangan personal life.Actually ada banyak things nak tulis kat sini tapi aku lost of interest kat blog nih for the moment.Actually dis post hang for more than a week.Since aku diberi pinjaman umur dari ALLAH lebih lama jadi aku abiskan jugak post ke 222 sempena my 22nd birthday.Alhamdulillah,pinjaman ini aku cuba gunakan untuk tebus salah masa silam.

It's almost half past Ramadhan and it means I'm nearer to the due date of both project.Aku cuba progress,as progressive as I can be.Hope a lot can be finished before Raya holiday.2 weeks break will be too long and for sure I'll lost momentum.

At the point this blog post being continued, a week left before raya.Yesterday I've had spent 7 hours away from UTP,hitting 3 clothing stores and bought 2 pairs of trousers.Along our quartet made the mall a bit more crowded.For sure it won't cost them a fortune.Since this post had been broken down into three or more attempt to finish it so previous 2 para might not or might be related to this latest written post.

This Ramadhan it help me learn a thing in particular,many things overall.First of all I learn the meaning of cooking for people whom live a round you and whom you share you burden,happy moment and pretty much everything.Even though you don't have a blood ties.Cooking is more than a manifestation of your skills or to fulfill you empty stomach.Cooking is a way to show you care and you love for the others.It turn you into a potential perfectionist coz you're trying to provide the best.No wonder our mom never ever say a thing when we ask to cook something coz she loved us so much.Perhaps seeing us eat the food provide more filling rather than having the food herself.Anyway that is the things I just realize today.Thanx ALLAH for giving me the chance to learn a new thing everyday.

I'm heading back to my hometown this Saturday with ETS.Electronic Train Service.Rumors the got stewardess in the train.So let me try and experience it first.Maybe a soon a journey to my hometown is viable through train.Somehow it might not be until the end of this year.Proposed station near my house is still and empty land.Anyway before we heading back home,I'm asking for forgiveness and wishing you Selamat Hari Raya.Next year bagi duit raya no~~

date Thursday, September 2, 2010