it's been a while since my last post. I'm so sorry guys coz I'm a lot lazy at the moment. Lately there's too much pressure. For the upcoming two weeks unit shutdown will take place and I think there's a need for me to reschedule my workout. A lot of 'crap' to be written and submitted to supervisor. Excess pressure is so annoying. Anyway for those who had earlier read my first 2 post, how's your development?did you lost some weight?
It's ok if your progress is slow. Anyway it's better to loose some rather than nothing. For planck exercise you might increase ur time to 30 sec follow by 30 sec rest while sit-up/crunch you can maintain with current repetition. Now it's time to add some more workout to make sure you dont have any flabby part of body as you lost weight. Another couple of workout will help to improve your chest and leg muscle.
-at different level of elevation it provide a different amount of we begin it is not important too put the maximum resistant and injured yourself but make it slowly and effective. it is a must to prevent any muscle tear. Anyway for this exercise you can use chair,stairs or other things to provide elevation. After finish warm up,planck and sit up this will be your next exercise. Find a bench about a feet or one and a half feet tall. Place your hand on the bench at shoulder wide. move your leg as far as you can but yo need to remain stable and comfort. Then open up your and straighten your back. inhale when you get down (exert force) and exhale while you lift ur body to original position. do this for 5 set and 5 reps in each set. Between each set, push your arm together upward to stretch back the muscle.
-this exercise will target the quadriceps,calf and buttock. as a beginner you might use chair, walls or any support to help you reducing the force you exerts. begin with open up your leg about shoulder wide or slightly wide. bent your knee a bit till your thigh feel a bit of stress. then begin to low down your butt and at the same time inhale. you can use your hand to balance your body. makesure your knee didn't go exceeding your toe. do it for a set of 10 for 5 set.