Hari ini aku masih dirumah.Ini akan berterusan sehingga pagi esok.Satu perkara yang best stay at home selain dari family is food.Makanan yang sedap dan free.Even though aku boleh masak tapi aku still craving for my mom's cooking.However weekend mak tak masak any gulai.most of time spend pergi rumah terbuka sahaja.Sedap dan pelbagai.Due perkataan yang dapat aku guna untuk menggambarkan serving at each house.By the way aku bukan nak cakap pasal open house or all the delicacies.Just for introduction kita capture a bit from previous post.
Anyway had you ever feel bored or tired?We begin to feel bored when we do the same thing again and again.This can be avoided if we do it with passion and strong desire.Tired simply describe as feeling exhausted from doing any activity.We also can feel tired and bored when we see people being stubborn and do the same mistake again and again.At the moment you will find that the reason for each action,each mistake they do are all ridiculous.At this moment the game is over and you'll feel like killing that person.
From day to day,political game is killing me.It is not similar like "Killing me softly with this song" because they aren't playing the right rythm.This dirty s**t makes M'sian citizen bored and tired.Now they begin to give ridiculous reason.They aren't considering the past.Aren't they have any professionals or expert to consult regarding any issue.Poor leaders.They begin very convincing but the glory seems fading away.Their step is shaky then before.I don't feel their decision to neglect experienced leader advice will help to boost them.In my opinion they are digging their own graveyard.
Introduction off all the KPI's, NKRA and 1Malaysia really impress me.Somehow latest development in few issues and cases seems to let them down.I'm not sure whether they realize it or they just want to make a gamble.Gambling isn't good unless you have a high probability to win.In the upcoming voting, history do said that it is a fortress but I can said it's already weaken and might fall sooner or later.Statistically they might win but unfortunately I don't think they have experts to predicts what will their decision cost them or they just being stubborn to show that they are building a better dynasty.Nasty work might be done to reserve their pride when the defeat is there.
High profile cases grow like stall during Ramadhan.All parties want to get involved.Accusing and pointing finger to one and another.Owh poor man who get involved in this scenario.Most of them might end as the scapegoat to open up the escape route for one of the party even though they didn't do anything wrong.The inquest regarding to one of the most famous cases this year begin to look likes it wont meet the ending this year.The exception on a certain issue begin to raise question from readers.Witness answer was unconvincing and it make people more curious on the procedure when they do their work.
This scenario is so complicated.It is even more complicated than understanding your lover.People do said that it is complicated to understand a person but the fact people do share their character and we can learn about them.The more we know them the more predictable them to you.I think this is the end for this post.Meet you again later.Salam

4 comments to “yang sebenarnya...”
October 5, 2009 at 7:59 PMbljar utk taw
soon ko kene taw gk
October 9, 2009 at 10:42 AMPolitik is an art of life.
You dont learn you don live.
October 9, 2009 at 2:38 PMbtoi bo
tpi art yg slalu xcantik
October 5, 2009 at 1:36 PM
hmm..that's politic...cewah..mcam la aku taw papa...hehe