it's been a while since i had this feeling....
i'm not so sure what it is.......
but i had it once before
long time ago and it faced an abrupt end
however i'm not prepared yet...
another living fairytale
the feeling of caring and missing of someone...
i was badly torn by previous experience....
i'm gonna wait
let it be another year...
or at least the next few months...
for us to gel together and know each other deeper...
maybe it will end with a **** .........
who knows~~~

date Friday, July 31, 2009

Rasa dah bosan nak tulis cerita-cerita dari seluruh dunia.Cerita politik pun semua orang dah bosan.Malaysia yang huru-hara tak tahu bila akan tenteram.Tuding jari yang tak penah berhenti.Oleh yang demikian aku nak share one of my favourite menu which is sardin goreng digoreng.
1 tin sardin (besar)
2 ulas bawang putih and merah (untuk tumis)
2 ulas bawang besar
3 biji kentang
Lada blend
Personal Protective Equipment untuk menggoreng sardin
1- Toskan sardin dari sos.Goreng tanpa kunyit jangan sampai hangus.
2- Tumis bawang yang dah dihiris halus.Tambah lada dan kicap secukup rasa.
3- Masukkan sos tomato sardin dan gaul.Tambah kentang yang dah dikupas oleh Haiqal dan dipotong nipis.
4- Masak sehingga kentang agak lembut.Tambah bawang besar yang dah dihiris.
5- Masukkan sardin yang telah digoreng
6- Kacau selama beberapa minit



Monday always a lazy day.I felt very sleepy whole day today.Not much got in my way.Early in the morning I helped another trainee do clerk's job.It is raining the whole day in Malacca.With no sun light it makes me feel very comfortable.Somehow I keep on thinking about my past the whole day.I can't dream because its not gonna be a reality.No time machine to help me.Anyway lets walk down the memory lane....

A decade before, a child always looks at his father collection of souvenir when he's study abroad.From that point onwards he had set a standard to at least achieve what his father had or a step higher.He just want to be like his father.An oversea grad, work as a teacher and live in a village near to his mother so the in-law.Under his father guidance he's doing very well in his primary school.He move one step closer to his dream as he was accepted to a boarding school.

It tooks a few years before he settled down very well.Despite putting a full effort to be a top student he also chase another dream.He add some more spice by joining sports team.We cant get everything.We need to let go something in order to get other thing.Once he get into form 5 he begin to concentrate on his study.Slowly he begin to make his mark.He achieved his peak in SPM.Next stop is UTP.He never known what will happen next.He never know that his ambition won't be a reality.

Later on when people begin to apply for other he face a stiff hurdle.His parents didn't allowed him to apply for any other scholarship.He agree with it and continue to pursue his study in UTP.One by one his friends gone abroad to pursue thair study.He feels like losing.He didn't put any effort and yet he lost.He lost his confidence.He also left by a girl that he don't know whether the girl that he had suffered a lot for her.At one point he think life suck.He lost his motivation to put his full effort to score.He once thinking to pull himself out of the race.

Halfway through his teenage life and he' still there.He still didn't move from where he left.He's lack of determination.Owh life,what will happen to him?

date Monday, July 27, 2009


Kelapangan yang ada hujung minggu ini aku isi dengan penampilan semula di blog.Within 48 hours I've already publish 2 post and this will be the 3rd one.A good achievement afterall for me with limited space and time to write a post.Eventually my sister bought Remaja mag this morning so I had the oppurtunity to read it.I myself only buy newspaper regularly.Rarely I will buy any mag or novel.So here I want to share about one of the article that attract my attention.Through the small column they wrote about the sign when a boy is fall in love.There are 12 sign overall and let see it one by one.

1- Guy's sending you one or more sms a day just to say hello or ask you whether you had your meal or not.
- This one is very typical but it is not 100% correct for me.Sometimes we do that to our close friends.It is just a way to show that you care about someone.However caring is one of the criteria for a lover.

2- Call you without any attention
- I had never done this before.I think this what we call 'angau'.It is written in the column that this is another sign that the guy begin to kick-off his journey to have you.

3- Guy keep on silence after a debate
- Debate or fight is not something we favour.It is well known that guys had temper and a bit harsh but non-physical fight is not favourable.Please girl stop it ASAP but never think that we were losing.

4- Guy hold your hand at the end of a quarrel (plus a bit of tears)
- Less likely to happen because it is illegal for Muslim's.Somehow tears is one of the most powerful weapon against men.Guys regularly fall under this attack.

5- Guy told you that he's willing to do anything for you
-Two options here.He love you very much or he's a player.Be cautious or you'll fall into the crocodile trap.Those crocodile will come with unclear words of praise.

6- A guy lye to your shoulder
- Should this happen.I've never think this will happen because it's kind of weird.Don't the girl feel burden?

7- A guy cry in front of you
-I've never do this before but I do cry for her before.Can a girl understand why a guy's crying for her?

8- He's jealous
-Listed here four options and I do agree to all of it.Love,afraid of losing you, want to get hold of you and doesn't like competition.However get a hold of a girl is not the right way to keep your relation happy.Don't take control of her life totally.

9- Guy told you bout his 'dark' past
-He want you to accept him as he is.Scold him about it wont do any good.Just give some advise and show your support to him.

10- A guy looks into your eyes without blinking his eye
- He's searching an answer from.He want to know how much you love him.

Another two statement is not related for me.In my opinion most of guys will do the same things.If you realize any of youe colleague does any of this to you then be careful.Don't give him too much hope or he will be 'dead' if you neglect them.


date Sunday, July 26, 2009


This will be my 2nd post after hybernating for a while.I had gave all the emotions in the 1st post.This post wouldn't touch on feelings.It's just a discussion from my own perception.In refinery or any plant,coupling is a piping equipment use to connect two different sizes of pipeline.All God's creation were made in a couple.We were made of two different genders in general (exclude the half kind of people).Each gender have it's own trademark two diffrentiate between them.However despite their differences, when they both together then they will accomplish one another.When we want to choose our mate we'll choose according to our taste.In addition to that each person also have their own objective in the relation.Some people might take it seriously and eyeing for a marriage in the future.Some other guy might think this is just temporary and not gonna last long.So what's we were search in our relation?

1- soulmate
-for those who were searching for this then they're very looking forward.They want the relation to last long and they not gonna make a mess bout it.Friend is something can be find easily but to make a mate that will will fly together with the soul is hard.The mate will complete the loop hole and help to strengthen each other.They'll help when one's is down and sit by their side to land a hand or shoulder to cry.So chhosing soulmate might be a bit hard and never make a mess about it or u'll suffer.
2- experience
-couple amongst teenagers todays is a must.Somehow at this young age the relation might not last long and might lead to a disaster.Experience do teach us how to do better in the future.Make us a better fighter but to mess with you or others feeling is something wrong.Those people who were hurt might overreact and do something fools.In my opinion it is something that should be avoided in a relation.People should take it seriously the relation and if it is fated not too last long then that's it.This is how you get an experience rather than make the relation as an experiment.
3- luxury
-money,moneymoney!!Todays no money no talk.With money people will be by your side.If you dont have money then u'll find a true friend.Some people act like a parasite to their mate.They ask for this and for that while they only fork out a small amount of their money for their mate.It is unnecassary to give all out in term of luxury and money.If you're not fated to be together this might hurt you further when you flashback the memory.It might make you feel unappreciated.We can sacrifice but not to the level where it will hurt your financial and your mate suck up whatever they can get from you while you left suffering.
4- love
-This word is very mysterious.It will lead you into a whole new world.It is made from a mixture of feelings.It is is not just about like one another.It is something that is not muutally exclusive to each other.It is inter related. In this single word there's caring.Then come understanding and trustworthy.Next come willingness to sacrifice and do the best for your mate.It'll turn you into someone which is far more concern to each other in so many ways.It is not just about health or financial.You'll try to help them and make them comfort in most situation in order to make them feel better.None of you will cheat or betray each other.No backstab.Despite the relation we also should give our mate their own space and time to breath.We need to understand their environment and so on.This word can't be explaine in second or a page.It have a large interpretation.A simple word with a thousands meaning.If you make a mistake while defining this word then you might regret it.This something you not gonnas mess bout it.
Actually being together is not as easy or wonderful as we thought.It also have up and down and the good news is there's someone will always by your side when you're down to fire you back.However think twice before get involved ina relation.Never take them for granted or make it as a stepping stone to a glory.
'Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal'

date Saturday, July 25, 2009


It took me such a very long period for me to publish a new post.If it wasn't because this short holiday my blog might be dead till next semester.I'm not sure what is the cost of my failure to post regularly.I admit that my daily life span were shorten for a few hours and I do became a bit more lazy.However since last semester result was released there's kind of insecure, uncertainty and dissapointment regarding to my past and my future.I'm dissapointed about my result.I regret what I've done all this while.In addition to that there's also mixed feeling between insecure and uncertainty.

Some friends told me that as we march on towards the end of our learning we'll be able to score better.Somehow for me the scenario is a bit different.At one point I'm climbing and later i'll dropped further more.A major setback that really disturbing.It's true life is most likely like a tyre when its roll.WE might be at the top and will future being at the bottom.Somehow tyre is not in use the position of a point won't change and similar scenario when the car is not moving or the tyre is punctured.After a massive lift during the previous semester,I'm targetting almost a similar result for this semester.As time passed by I know that it might drop a bit due to certain reason.The truth is I was blown away by the wind.I was smacked into pieces and vanish with the ferocious wind of Malacca Strait.The result really bring me down to earth.I'm ashamed and it feels like I'm not the kind of student that should be sponsored by PETRONAS.

People do say that regretting our past mean nothing.I also believed that it won't bring any good.Its kind of formality for me when I'm down to flash back what had happen since I begin my journey in UTP.A fine and successful 1st semester.Being a part of one of the best ever rugby tem in UTP.A lot soving and splendid time with my friends.Next semester I lost a camera and a bit improvement in my result.In 2007 I quit from the team due to personal reason.My result was not that impressive.At the end of the year I was left devastated but the only favour was my result.Then the whole dark ages begin.I lost self confidence and I do feel that I"m not a kind of guy that impress girls.In other word I think I'm a loser.My result surge down and my team didn't perform very well.I got banged in my 1st game with UTP.2nd half in utp being a bit better.Significant increase in my GPA.It life out of the dead zone.2009 I had no rugby tournament.By calculation if my result remains almost the same my CGPa will be more secure.Who knowa the tough road waiting in front.At the end it smacked me down.I am locked at a so-so position.I lost my motivation further more.I wished I can turn back the time.I want to stop the event that lead to dark ages of mine from take place.

My future still remain in balance.My CGPA is not that bad.People told me to be cool and do the best for my internship.That is the most realistic action to be taken.However sometime I do think am I good enough to be employed soon?I dont have enough motivation.Lack of soft skills and not so good in public relation.I less likely to get along with people I'm not comfort with.I dont get along with my SV and boss very well compared to the technician.How am I gonna survive in the future?This is a damn bad condition.A kind of torture I'm not sure whether I can survive or not.Once again I'm losing my passion to work and it makes me think to stay as a student till I had the courage to move on.

Life wasn't that beautiful is it?I'm not so sure what to say.I do have my good time but it seems to occur just once in a while.Having a good time makes me feel better for a while but an incident will make it worse a lot more.At this moment I'm losing hope and just pray that the sun will shine back.



First of all Dayah aku curik nih dari blog ko.Saja nak fulfill blog aku before being declared berkarat.

1. Along/Abang
2. Dobi
3. Am

1. jual2 donut kak shida tuk pojek islamic studies
2. jual topup
3. tukang masak kat rumah

1 .lot 4/482 kg fajar harapan,bongek
2. asrama sekolah menengah sultan abdul halim
3. rumah wan aku kat pedas

1. CSI
2. Football match kat astro
3. Chef at home & license to grill (afc)

1. Air panas kat area baling kot
2. Lumut dekat waterfron
3. Area 2b,sg. udang port, SRU

1.makkah own house (in the future)
3. heaven

1. masak lomak
2. big mac
3. sardin goreng digoreng

1. grad n persue studies (klo aku result power nnt)
2. work with PPMSB.Area 2B (haha..)
3. my own happy family

1. a pair of hamster
2. few gold fish during my childhood
3. not yet

3.lain-lain lagi

1. ragbi
2. bola sepak
3. bola tampar

1. nescafe
2. lai ci kang
3. barli suam

Tak der mangsa tag.saper minat boleh wat and inform aku.bole aku usha jawapn korg

date Sunday, July 12, 2009


It is very frustrating when the cabinet decide to pull English out of Mathematics and Science learning.For more than half a decade we had been working on this and it take less than 3 years to stop it.Is there any other solution available?Does this mean that there's no mitigation plan from respective ministry?Further more it makes me think that we aren't a fighter after all.We speak out loud but we didn't make any mark.

Since Tun M. launch this program it had undergo such a nasty criticism from many parties.People think that it will burden the students instead of helping them to greater success.We don't really put a thought on the current scenario back in the university.Tun just want to help us, our son, our descendant to be a better warrior at international stage.Had we ever think why we need this change insted of surrender it?This is why most of us agree to step back to use Malay in Math and Science learning progress;

1) We aren't a fighter
-We lack of determination and effort.Some 'unconcious' people keep on repeating that we can be like Japanese, Koreans and French.They keep on using their mother tongue but still they can keep pace at top.However it isn't the same scenario with us.We just learn how to walk and if we can adapt with others it will give an advantage.

2)We are afraid of nothing
-We afraid to lost the Malay's identity to none.They afraid Malay language will be forgotten but they didn't have the correct plan to attract youngster.In fact most of scientific terms were English but we change to Malays word base on the sound.We actually afraid of our own shadow.

3)We don't have mitigation plan
-They step back and yet they want to increase English learning hours by neglecting unnecessary subject.Why is it now and not before?They can employ this strategy earlier to improve student command in English.In addition to that respective ministry may produce their own science and math dictionary.

People might said I'm selfish but the fact we not gonna make it if we don't rely with English.Early introduction to English will later produce a better performer at bigger stage.Step back won't bring any good and yet might have a negative effect on us.When the others want to follow us but we refuse to keep on fighting and instead finding easiest escape by back to Malay.This is very dissapointing.

date Friday, July 10, 2009

LeT yOUrSElF bUrNt bY lOvER ThaN fIRe

date Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Tatkala ini filem Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen merupakan hit di panggung-panggung serata dunia.Namun begitu, tanpa kita sedari bahawasanya Hollywood telah mengambil sesuatu dari kita.Antara bukti-bukti mengatakan Transformers adalah sesuatu yang dirampas oleh Hollywood adalah;

-Transformers yang dilupakan kerana ia berasal dari bas
-Kerana adanya nama tempat di Malaysia maka watak ini tidak diwujudkan
3-Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan
-Salah satu trademark negara ini.Michael Bay cuba menafikan pengeksploitasian oleh mereka
-Untuk mengelakkan Optimus Prime terpinggir maka transaksi turut kene drop.Saksi amat penting dalam sebarang pengadilan dan impak mereka boleh menenggelamkan Optimus Prime sebagai pembela.
Ini merupakan antara sebab mengatakan Trnasformers berasal dari sini.Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal.

date Wednesday, July 1, 2009