Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia
Alahmdulillah I have the strength to write the 11th post for the serial entry.However this should be the 10th to be publish.Today is Thursday and it'll be another day before we start fasting, here in Malaysia.I'm grateful to the Lord,most gracious for giving us another opportunity to meet with another Ramadhan.
So yesterday I pick up one of my colleague at the office only to get a surprised that he is resigning.He is given another opportunity to serve with our national O&G company for Rapid project.Congratulations for him but I'm fairly sad to say goodbye to another friend whom sharing the same interest in rearing animal/pet.Anyway I wish him all the best.
In addition to that,I believe at least another colleague to leave soon?no one knows.Should this happen,I need to take significant measures to move out from here too.However that is the last resort should things go haywire.After all my heart is not here so my interest in the industry.
I end my post here.wish me luck in job hunting.see you again.soon.very soon