At the moment clock is at 0540 hour.I woke up at 5 just to do my solat Isyak.Punya teruk tertangguh sembahyang sampai awal pagi.I've just finished read cik su's (since she's not married yet) blog.Luckily she didn't tag me.Yesterdat worked made me tired to the soul (padahal badan dah xfit).After major maintainance at area 2B on Tuesday finally my area will begin to generate profit.Unit 23 already worked with 100% throughput if I'm not mistaken and we want to start up unit 25 (C6 Isom).Since camera is not allowed in the refinery are so no pictures after all to be posted here.That's all for this post.Saja nak avoid blog dari bersawang.

2 comments to “letih”
June 26, 2009 at 7:37 PMaku act trainee utk oe
tpi at the mment aku ikt operator wt keje
sgt fun
June 26, 2009 at 11:11 AM
ok, xphm keje yg ko kene wat..