Today is the fourth day of my mid-sem holiday.Things aren't so rosy as expected.I can say that I'm missing the scenario at UTP.I miss my pet,my pc,my rugby team,my friends and so many things. Tomorrow me n my family will head to Aeon Bandar Melaka.I'm eyeing for a pair of futsal shoes and few pieces of clothes.Anyway the truth I'm missing is something we called as life.Except for daily prayers and routine a lot were missing.However it is not what come across of me today but rather of a person-person fit which makes them a good pair or couple.
For those whom taking Human Resource Management as their management elective they should familiar with person job-fit and person environment fit i the 4th or 5th chapter if I'm not mistaken.Anyway the thing that came across with me whether it is applicable whether we need to find a real fit for us before deciding with whom we should spent the rest of our life.Reflecting back to my previous experience I found that we might not be a real fit in a lot of term.Being raised in a different environment and in fact the way us think is very much different.
According to the learning output from my very own 'processor' when a person really fit their position and working environment it'll result in a high performance,very dedicated,ambitious and high flying employee.This also reduce the amount of turnover and absenteeism.Will this fit-thing applied in choosing partner will help to reduce the rate of clashes and divorce which will further help reducing family problem and other family-problem related matters.Perhaps with a better understanding and compromise between one another will be the dominant words in order to test the relevance of this theory.
Choosing a partner within a similar field was very common.Rough observation in the university itself I can conclude that most of partners were made of people from the same field even though might not be in the same major.This is a real prove that there's person-person fit before a pair were founded or aka foundation to a relation.Their personal might be deviate a bit but in term of workloads and difficulties while learning they understand each other better.They might have a more or less similar definition of life.In my opinion this help them to understand each other perception judgment and resolving problems.
I haven't speak wif them regarding to their childhood background but most of them came from boarding school which make they share almost similar teenagers life.Girls understand how their partner growth and guys might have perhaps sufficient knowledge about the girls back in school.
This is my theory of relativity regarding to person-person fit in building a good foundation for a successful relation.
Put in a deep thinking, I was very curious whether a professional woman will suit me in the future.I'm not a person whom only have one life.Rather than living with lot of money I'm more a person whom searching for work-life balance.If we reflect on my style in university I'm not 100% into study but divide in to a few field of interest.I spent daylight for learning.Evening for sports and recreation and night mix of both.Luckily I'm not a vampire that might have a night life.My life style also get me justified why I UTP is the correct place for me rather than oversea.I think I might not make it living in oversea with weekdays spent a lot for study and night were spent in room or library.
Anyway life always make me wondering and thinking.I wonder what the fool am I to stay in UTP and it affect me for a very long time.I wonder what the hell happen to my previous relationship.I wonder what the hell a process engineer was doin working up to 8pm daily.This post might help to justify the failure of my previous relation and help me in the future.I also suggesting friend to try this theory before deciding with whom you gonna spent your life with.
"Renung-renungkan dan selamat ber-fyp"
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with
23 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
At the end, choose 5 people to be tag
This instruction aku dapat dari blog junior aku.apesal die tag sampai 2 kali pun tak sure.23 facts agak banyak untuk aku tapi I'll try my best la.
1. Bukan pengganas biarpun nampak macam
2. Nama aku just 1/3 dari nama abah aku
3. Suka maki hamun kat blog
4. Suka layan budak-budak.takde exception umur.kalau perangai cam budak-budak pun aku layan.
5. Suka kereta yang jimat minyak
6. Prefer girl yang minat sukan
7. Prefer gak wife yang pndai masak
8. curious kenapa dulu amik engineering
9. Suka tido dengan bola ragbi
10. Tak suka membaca
11. Anak lelaki tunggal (takde kaitan dengan babi tunggal)
12. Suka makan buah durian
13. Rasa politik M'sia sucks sebab ramai sangat ahli politik
14. Sangat random dengan muzik.Dari beatles smpai BEP,sume aku tapau
15. Telah menjahanamkan 3 pasang sport shoes dan 4 pasang boot bola sepanjang diUTP
16. Injured lutut bukan sebab main ragbi
17. Suka combine macam-macam raw materials dalam masakan.
18. Punya selera naga yang datang sesekali
19. rumet dengan sultan Melaka
20. Rasa nak jadi cikgu sebab engineer life cam haper and aku nak main ragbi lagi
21. Minat photo tapi teringin orang amik gambar aku.
22. Suka rayau and tinggalkan komen kat blog orang
23. hari-hari pun main facebook
nex 5 person:
-mR. saMMy
-cik sur